Keaton had earned some money helping Dad run derbies ... what did he spend it on? A basketball jersey. Rajon Rondo, one of his favorite players. Now the little boys have a LOT of little basketball jerseys, but they are just ones I found at the local thrift store (mostly just generic types, not specific teams ... but yes, even the Jazz jersey Cooper is wearing in the picture above I found at the thrift store, I think it was $2, steal of a deal, especially when Darren Williams WAS still on the Jazz). Landon has one jersey (also Williams) which I bought him for Christmas. Callahan has a Williams one as well, plus a couple others he purchased with his own money. My kids are Jersey Boys! The older boys save their jerseys for special occasions (going to a game, etc), but Colton ... Colton wears his basketball jerseys every single day (just scroll through some of the past pictures, you'll see!) Although, with spring soccer starting, he's actually sometimes swapping his basketball jerseys for soccer ones!
well, you've read my post on my son's obsession with soccer jerseys....sounds like they're normal kids!