Sunday, December 26, 2021

Christmas 2021


Christmas recap ... we got the tree up, but never got around to decorating it. It still looks pretty with just the twinkling lights. The stockings were hung, with some greenery. A few other pieces of decor ... the Santa head with M&Ms in it. Didn't get around to a bunch of our Christmas cookies, but I made the peppermint puffs (Coop and I love them) and lots of sourdough loaves, many given out as our neighborhood/friend gift this year.  Grayson got all dressed up for the Symphony work party, and Jen donned some festive hats for Zumba. There was the Blackham family party, the Westra Christmas Eve party, and then Christmas day at the Blackham home... more on those activities below.

I always seem to struggle with gifts, finding something that the receiver might actually want. When it came to the kids this year, I really didn't have any ideas. Talking to Gray I mentioned we could just throw cash at the kids, or get one of those wind boxes that makes the money fly around while you attempt to catch it. Grayson looked at me a bit funny and said "that IS actually the plan for the Blackham family party". Quite the coincidence!

The Blackham Christmas Party was held Saturday, December 18 and we were able to get everyone out, although Landon and Sol had to leave before the Cash Cube fun. We took some family photos, ate some dinner (soups and sourdough), exchanged some gifts, then it was CUBE time. Clay had rented the machine (an inflatable one) and Gray had picked up cash. There was $50 for each kid. Mostly singles, but also a $5 and $20. Rules were you could NOT pick up cash from the bottom. It would tend to collect there, so those inside were encouraged to "kick it up" back into the wind stream. It's a lot harder than it looks! Once you grab some money, what do you do with it (as you want your hands free to grab some more). Kate's long hair was definitely getting in her way. Originally, the plan hadn't been for the adults to participate too, but once it got going, it was decided everyone should get a turn (there hadn't been $50 for the adults, but taking what was left from the kids section there was still some money to throw in for the bigger people). I am not sure who was able to rake in the most dough, but everyone seemed to have fun. 

Caught some of the fun on video ...

The Westra Christmas party took place on Christmas Eve, as per Westra tradition.
So many soups. Breadsticks and Brazilian Cheese Rolls. And desserts ... SO many desserts. That's not even including the candy from "The Candy Bar Game". Everyone received their photo calendars for the upcoming year, and we reflected on the year it had been by watching the annual slideshow. We were missing the Jensen family this year. It was good to get together, as Covid had cancelled the Christmas party last year.

Then it was time to go home and wait for Santa to come ...

Christmas morning! Santa DID come, and there were gifts from the kids to each other. After opening, there was some playing of games. Out back (not really a White Christmas this year), a dance-off downstairs, and then we pulled out the game table (Christmas last year) for more games. 

... and that was Christmas 2021!

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