Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Memorable Medical 2022

So ... 2022 wasn't the best year for the Blackham Bunch medically. I mean, we're all okay, things could definitely be worse, but "Blackham" style, it was a little heavy medically. We used our  insurance much more in 2022 than ever before.

I started things off in January ... knocked myself silly (determined later, after a second episode caught on camera, that it was a seizure), ambulance/ER, staples in the head (post HERE). One good thing from this event, is that we hit our deductible and out of pocket max during the first month, so everything medical for the rest of the year would be covered. 

There were several skin issues. Coop had some stuff going on with his hands. That's Gray's scaley ankle. Colton had some skin issues AND a crazy wart. Seriously, the wart had a name (Daisy) and couldn't help but appear in many pictures and was somewhat lovingly referred to as the basketball team mascot. Keaton had some skin stuff too.

Most of the skin issues eventually resolved, either with medication or on their own. Even Daisy disappeared (not until Spring 2023). But add in a couple ER visits for Grayson and Landon too (Landon has aged out of our insurance plan, so he didn't benefit from our maxed out medical), then a colonoscopy for Gray (he actually enjoyed the "nap" ... said it was the most rested he'd felt in a while!) On the positive side- he had successful weight loss in 2022, down 50 pounds!  A general physical for Keaton, hoping to address some skin and sleep issues. Slipped in carpal tunnel surgery for his wrist at the end of the year (horrible issues with the hospital/insurance ... still going on two years afterward). 

Covid was still around, so masks were still around too. 

I had several months of physical therapy for shoulder pain (from the fall?)

... hoping for less medical stuff in 2023!

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