Friday, December 29, 2023

JenBsBooks in 2023

If you know me, you know I love books. While I've gotten behind on the blogging, I have kept up on my books, making my monthly collages, rating and reviewing everything on GoodReads and Storygraph. I did a 2023~JenBsBooks on my JenBsJourney Blog, with a look at the year. On this blog post, I'll keep the collages created each month, all in a single spot...

I love looking back and seeing which books stick out in my memory, and which I can't even remember reading!

I joined Storygraph in January of 2023,
and love all the graphs and data it provides ...

The Storygraph pie charts have encouraged me to try harder in some areas ... to make sure I get in some non-fiction, not just fiction. I even did a NonfictionNovember challenge, where my goal was to make sure the non-fiction section was larger than the fiction for that month. In October, I manipulated the "moods" chart in honor of Halloween, seeing if I could shift the dark/tense/mysterious to the top. I've enjoyed adding in a few physical books, and making sure I get some BIG books (500+ pages) in too. Honestly ... the "pace" chart doesn't mean much to me, and I don't think I'll include it in my collages for 2024. 

All books are rated and reviewed on both Goodreads and Storygraph.
I'm JenBsBooks on both. 
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