Wednesday, August 30, 2023

New Job for Cooperman

Cooper graduated last year and probably should have moved on from his custodial work at the local elementary school to a job with more working hours ... but until he got his driver's license, things were limited. He got his license October 2022, but the school year had started and it was easy just to fall back into that routine. It was close and easy and flexible and he stuck with it through the summer, and got a few more hours than during the school year. He and I had our eyes open for different work and he'd put in a couple applications, but nothing had panned out yet. As the summer ended the focus on finding new employment was top priority. 

The dream job would be fairly close (while Coop is driving, he's still a bit road-shy ... takes after his mom). A set schedule was desired, and as Cooper was available during the day, he hoped to avoid evenings and weekends (especially Sundays, Monday/Thursday nights, as football season was ready to start up - he's a fantasy football fanatic). He was willing/wanting to work full-time. Coop had just started listening to audiobooks at his current job, and Mom LOVED that, so had fingers crossed that they might be able to find employment that would allow that option. Coop's hair is a little unruly, so if he was able to wear a cap, that would be helpful. Something active ... Cooper likes to get his steps in. Dealing with customers and confrontation wasn't really something he felt he was up to handling ... I know, it's hard when you have such a long wishlist, and I figured we wouldn't be able to get it all.

There's a neighborhood Facebook group that I'm a part of, so I placed a post on it, wondering if someone who knew us, knew Cooper, might be a little more willing to hire or have connections that could help us out. And it happened! A fellow in the neighborhood (who I didn't really know personally) reached out saying they might have a position in their warehouse. Coop and I drove out the day before the interview, a bit further than I'd originally hoped, but we took 9800 (single lane road) down to just before the freeway and found the building, so Coop would know exactly how long the trip would take and where to go for his interview. Coop said the interview itself was pretty casual, he took in a resume even though that hadn't been required. Just chatting with a few people, taking a little tour of the warehouse and discussing duties ... and he was offered the job on the spot, accepted, and started the following Monday.

The warehouse hours are 7:00-4:00, and the employees can have a flexible shift within those hours. In fact, some employees work a little over eight hours (7-4, no clock out for lunch) and then just work a half day Friday. Full-time, 40 hour work week. There are paid holidays, and vacation/sick days included. It's packing products in boxes, for Amazon, Walmart and Costco, not too demanding or stressful (as I've heard the actual Amazon warehouse can be, I hadn't even put that one on the list for Coop to apply to). There seems to be a "family feel" ... lunches brought in on birthdays, first/last days ... Cooper's first day WAS his birthday! They brought in lunch!  Okay ... so the starting pay was a bit lower that we'd hoped (comparatively to what he had been earning, what Colton had been getting at Home Depot when he worked there) but that would go up with a little time and good performance. With every other box checked, $$ was really not as big a deal as everything else this opportunity offered. 

I was a little worried about how Coop would adapt to working full time. He's had SUCH flexibility the last few years with his schooling online. He'd been able to sleep in, or catch a nap as needed. I know it would sure be a transition for ME! He's been doing great though, getting up, packing a lunch, heading out. He doesn't have a lot of experience driving in the dark, but for the first few weeks it would still be light in the mornings for his commute. I'll still stress out on the first snowy day!

Starting on this new adventure also makes us reflect on the job he has finished up. He did a write-up for school, which I turned into a blog post  (you can see it HERE). When Coop turned 18, he had to switch to an "adult" status and got a new ID. I know I took a picture of it (it was a great picture of him), and the key Cooper was entrusted with, but I can't find it. I also remember snagging some screenshots of an assignment for his work study class ... but I can't find where I saved those either. Cooper got a nice letter of recommendation from his supervisor and a resume update (assignments for that class). It was the perfect first job ... now on to bigger and better and full-time employment. 

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