Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Hoop Dreams

I can't remember when we got our basketball hoop. I think it was about five years ago. It has really gotten a LOT of use. As it was dragged around and moved, the base wore through, so all the water weighing it down leaked out. We tried some patches and other weights, but on windy days, the hoop would tip over and smash into the street. While the backboard never broke, the hoop became more oval than circular, the various hooks holding the net on were smashed or broken off, requiring the use of duct tape to keep the net in place. The backboard became unscrewed, so that it tipped forward and slanted a bit to the right. And it would still fall over ... I was a bit worried it might hit a car or a kid. Callahan has been wanting a new hoop for quite a while now. He had a birthday earlier this year, and I suppose we really should have gotten a new hoop for him then. Recently, Callahan has been working hard (helping do derbies with his dad) and earned a bit of money, enough that we said we'd look for a new hoop. A neighbor had gotten a steal of a deal in the KSL classifieds, and we were keeping our eyes open, but we were always too late, all were sold before we could get it. So, we finally just bought one new, Grayson assembled it, and hopefully, Callahan is happy!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Seems Like Summer

...and then ... it was quiet ... and my yard looked like this ...
Monday, May 24, 2010
Dress for Success
My baby is growing up! In just the last little bit, he's started to dress himself, and it is such a big help! Before, he would roll out of bed and immediately want to be dressed. It didn't matter if I was still sleeping, busy exercising or making breakfast for the boys, I would have to stop and go help him get dressed. In the evenings we would send one of the older boys to help get his jammies on, and then one day, he did it all on his own. I then encouraged him to dress himself in the morning and he did great! Sometimes things get put on backwards or inside out, but it's all good. He still needs a little help, as he told me this morning "I can do it all but the zip and clip" (referring to his pants). Socks were a challenge (often he'd just put his shoes on without socks ... I was a bit frustrated the time we went bowling and I hadn't noticed he didn't have socks on!) but he's now mastered them too!
At first, I would try to lay Colton's clothes out for him. It encouraged him to go ahead and try dressing himself, and often my judgement was needed to match the weather conditions for the day (no shorts when it's snowing please). Generally, matching clothes isn't that big of a problem for little boys, as jeans go with pretty much anything. When the warmer weather rolled around however, Colton pulled out some interesting combinations of plaid shorts and patterned shirts. I tried to show him that there were various colors in the shorts, and if possible, we should get a shirt of a matching color (preferably one without a pattern). He's actually done pretty well making matches. This morning, I laid some clothes out (May 24th ... it's SNOWING outside). I put some jeans and a long sleeved red shirt. Colton put them on but commented that they were "wrong". When I asked him what he meant he said "the pants are blue and the shirt is red, they don't match!".
As Colton has started to get dressed himself, he's also become quite modest man. He always wants the door closed as he changes clothes and gets upset if anyone walks in on him in his underwear. He seems oblivious to the fact that more often than not, the blinds on the window are open, so anyone walking by outside would have a clear view. And of course, this is the same child who makes a mad dash from his room across the hallway to the bathroom totally naked!
Spring Snow

Sunday, May 23, 2010
Food Feats and Family Fun

Saturday, May 22, 2010
Spring Basketball

Gene Fullmer has a jogging track above their basketball gym, and usually I'm there, jogging while cheering our team on. This last week however I came with the camera instead. I grabbed some photos and videos and then put together this little "muvee".
We were missing three boys from our team (although I had taken a group shot and some practice pictures earlier), so the video feels a little incomplete without them in it. So ... I made ANOTHER "muvee" of the last game *Ü*
I had some captions on it ... not sure where they went!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Mountain Man
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
A "KNEE"ded Diagnosis

Nuts! Allergy Alert
I was sitting at my computer when Colton came in crying saying he had eaten something "yucky" ... I had him show me what the offending item way, and it was a granola bar ... a peanut butter granola bar. Several years ago we had an allergy scare with baby, and ended up in the hospital overnight. Since then we'd managed to avoid all peanut butter and nuts for years (even at just four years old, he's quite aware, he ALWAYS asks before eating anything!). He was reacting, he got bumps all over his chin, and his tongue was swollen. He kept sticking it out and the poor kid was drooling down his shirt. I gave him some antihistamine ... I have an Epi-Pen, but it was old and for emergencies (difficulty breathing) ... the swelling did NOT seem to be moving back to his throat, so that was good. I snuggled with him and the medicine seemed to kick in and he was back to normal without too much incident.
When Keaton was little, he was allergic to a LOT of things. Milk, egg and he even had a reaction to steak! His worst reaction was when he was a little over a year old and got a nut at a Christmas party. It wasn't until we got Keaton diagnosed that I realized that Landon had nut allergies too. With the new perspective, I could look back at some times and put the pieces together (his didn't really show outwardly, but he would feel a "tickle" in his throat, he would ask for ice cream or a popsicle to "cool" his throat). Keaton outgrew most of his allergies, and he and Landon (and the other two) can have peanut butter, but we avoid all nuts for #1, #3 and #5. Luckily, it doesn't seem to be a life-threatening allergy, and usually the kids DO start reacting as soon as the trigger enters their mouth (they usually don't even swallow). So ... restocking the medication stores and hopefully, we'll be a little more careful!
When Keaton was little, he was allergic to a LOT of things. Milk, egg and he even had a reaction to steak! His worst reaction was when he was a little over a year old and got a nut at a Christmas party. It wasn't until we got Keaton diagnosed that I realized that Landon had nut allergies too. With the new perspective, I could look back at some times and put the pieces together (his didn't really show outwardly, but he would feel a "tickle" in his throat, he would ask for ice cream or a popsicle to "cool" his throat). Keaton outgrew most of his allergies, and he and Landon (and the other two) can have peanut butter, but we avoid all nuts for #1, #3 and #5. Luckily, it doesn't seem to be a life-threatening allergy, and usually the kids DO start reacting as soon as the trigger enters their mouth (they usually don't even swallow). So ... restocking the medication stores and hopefully, we'll be a little more careful!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Bye Bye Baby Teeth

Friday, May 14, 2010
The Noah Nursery

Let me start by saying I LOVE our neighborhood. Great neighbors, parks, library, sports and shopping all right close by...BUT... the elementary school ... there have been some frustrations, just ONE being getting the kids to and from school. The bus boundary is 1.5 miles. We live 1.35 miles away ... so NO bus. Now, if you know me at all, you know I'm a proponent of walking. I'm a pretty fast walker too, and it takes ME a good 20 minutes to make it to the school. The first half, through the neighborhood, is just fine. In fact, the kids wouldn't ever have to leave the sidewalk, but THEN ... you hit 7800 South ... the street couldn't get much busier ... across from a SuperWalmart and the huge Jordan Landing shopping complex, adjacent to Bangerter Highway (which we have to cross to get to the school), and now, there is constant construction too ... I do not LET my kids walk to school. Riding their bikes ... I have to say that scares me even more than walking! I have been lucky enough to arrange for a carpool, so I only have to drive one way, but with one child in kindergarten, I have an additional pickup every day. I do try to walk with my little ones safely in the stroller when weather permits. Here's just a glimpse of our "wonderful" walk ...
Now, just so you don't think I'm an utterly negative person, there are some good points as well. Once you are back in the neighborhood, the walk is very pleasant. I LOVE our winding neighborhood. I DO stop and smell the flowers (literally!). The hanging basket (above) makes me smile every time I walk by it.
I also ADORE the spring blossoms on this path ... with the pink petals falling, they look so pretty blanketing the ground. A close up of the blossoms below ... I love when the smell just hits you as you walk by ...
And of course, I have the CUTEST kids! They happily talk and point things out as we walk. "There's a bird, that flower is yellow, I saw a bug" ... they love to see NUMBERS and call them out (and as there are addresses on the houses and mailboxes ... this is pretty easy to do). Of course they have to have their "treat" bag filled with goodies to munch on, and a blanket if it gets cold, and sunglasses if the day is too bright. Another funny thing they do is reach out and run their fingers along the fences. I have to keep them just the right distance, so that they can touch, but so I don't end up smashing them!
The canal ... I haven't heard of any kids falling into the canal, but this would be a constant stress for me if my kids were walking every day. It's completely open, easy access. In fact, taking the dirt canal road does nip some distance off the walk. But we take the longer, smoother path on the sidewalk through the neighborhood.
After the canal, you get to pass the horses. In addition to the LOVERLY smell, the fence has been broken down like this for a couple of years ... the inner fence is an electric fence ... I can just imagine the kids daring each other to try touching it ...
Then there is this nice stretch of sidewalk. It bumps us silly .... can you say shaken baby syndrome? But I don't know how they will ever repair it, because if they tore it out to replace it, there would be absolutely NO place for pedestrians during construction. This is right before one of the several streets and driveways we must cross going down 7800... there has never been a crossing guard posted anywhere along the way (probably because so few kids end up walking ... like I said, I don't LET my kids walk).
The recent (and seemingly never ending) construction has pushed traffic RIGHT NEXT to the sidewalk. If I reached my arm out, I would touch the cars and trucks passing by. I don't know which is more terrifying, having the cars rush by coming from behind, or seeing them come head on! We get to experience both, on the way to and then from school. Often traffic is so backed up that the cars are pretty much at a standstill, but at other times, when traffic is flowing, the cars rush by so quickly the wind almost knocks us over. The sidewalk is decent size, but when you come across a group of people, or a lady with a double stroller (that would be me) there just isn't enough sidewalk to share, so you often end up stuck or struggling to pass without stepping out into the street.
Right at the intersection of 7800 South and Bangerter Highway, we are hit by another scent ... sewer ... (suddenly the horse smell doesn't seem so bad). We always try to get by this grate as quickly as possible, holding our noses and our breath. 
And then, there's the overpass. Always good to get a little INCLINE in your walk. Up, up, up, up, watch out for the graffiti, litter, broken glass and pigeon poop ... the wind on the walkway can also almost knock you over as well. Then down, down, down the overpass (hanging on to the stroller so we don't go too fast and can't make the turns) and ... we're at the school. Collect the kindergartner and ... back we go ... I can feel the additional 40+ pounds of an extra child as we go up, up, up the incline ...Saturday, May 8, 2010
Gadgets Galore

I can compare the accuracy of both my pedometers when I'm walking/jogging outside with Grayson's Garmin. Now this fun toy uses GPS to display your distance, speed, etc. I'm actually an "indoor exerciser" and love my elliptical and treadmill, but this makes outdoor activities more interesting.
And below ... are my lovely wireless headphones. I have two different kinds (and three different Ipod shuffles). The Arriva ( below) is great, you can hardly even tell I'm wearing it. It's very portable (you can shove it into your pocket or purse, it bends).

Friday, May 7, 2010
Bowling Boys

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Goodbye Grandpa
- My main memories of Grandpa are pretty fishy ... because Grandpa was quite the fisherman. I remember the uber early mornings as we headed out to Strawberry Reservoir ... his little boat ... sleeping in the trailer on his truck. He was a hunter too, but I never went on those trips ... just saw some of the results hanging on the walls in the basement family room. They freaked me out.
- I remember sleeping over at Grandma and Grandpa's house... shooting down their stairs and whirling around the bars there... dropping items through the laundry shoot ... running down the long, sloping sideyard ... picking raspberries from the garden and fruit from the trees ... barbeques around the gas grill in the backyard ... in the later years, playing a little rummy at the kitchen table.
- I've always been very hesitant behind the wheel of a car, not liking to drive downtown or other locations outside my comfort zone. I remember Grandpa drove me to the airport so I could see a missionary friend on his way (remember when that was allowed ... both by the church and by airport security?)
Grandpa went out of his way to help me say goodbye then, and now we say goodbye to Grandpa.

Updating this post ... we went to Grandpa's funeral on Wednesday. I guess we really hadn't prepared the young ones. As we went into the room for the family viewing, Gray tried to explain a little to Colton, who promptly dissolved into tears. Soon Cooper was sobbing too. I had my hands full with two crying kids. During the service itself, Keaton suddenly looked at me and said he felt sick. I had to take him out just in case ... after a drink he was feeling a bit better. The service was nice, it was fun to learn more about Grandpa and talk about his life. At the cemetery, there was a miliary salute (the older boys thought that was cool, the younger boys did NOT like the noise), taps was played and Grandma was presented with a folded flag.

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