Monday, November 27, 2023

A Pinched Pumpkin

I've always liked growing pumpkins. When I was young, I'd plant them several places in the yard, then set up a little stand by the side of the road to sell them in October. Now I just grow for fun, and to give a few away. I had regular pumpkins and the "Jack be Little" ones growing this year.

For the past few years, I've planted a pumpkin right in the front flower bed in front of the house. Often it gets a little out of control and spreads around the side of the house. This year especially, it went crazy! In the pictures above, that was ONE plant! It produced several decent sized pumpkins, and probably would have grown a super large one had I trimmed off the others. As it was, I noticed when the first pumpkin was hanging into the window well. I lifted it out ... but another one ended up there again. Behind all the bushiness, I finally noticed another pumpkin wedged between the house and the gas meter. It was STUCK in there! I cut the stem to prevent any further growth (didn't want it to possibly dislodge anything on the meter) ... and the pumpkin still turned orange in October a couple of months later. Finally, after Thanksgiving, Landon cut it apart to finally get it out of there.

We had quite a few pumpkins ... gave away a few regular size ones, and lots of littles. Others were decor for Halloween, Fall and Thanksgiving. I'd planted a plethora of the mini-pumpkins on the side of the garage and a few other places in the yard and had a big yield. I saved seeds to try planting again next year. 

2023 will be most memorable because of the stuck and squashed pumpkin. I remember back in 2018, the vines had snuck around the house and got squashed by the garbage can. I had gone out to shift the garbage can to the street for pickup, when I looked down and saw what I thought was a smooshed frog. I didn't know how a frog had gotten under there ... when I realized it wasn't actually a frog. 

Who knew pumpkins could cause such chaos?

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