Saturday, October 30, 2021

Cooper - Puffed Up on a Plane

Whereas #1, #3 and #5 have all had allergy issues with NUTS, that isn't something we thought #4 struggled with. But ... maybe he just hasn't ever eaten nuts. He "doesn't like" peanut butter, but I don't know that he's ever even had it. Same goes for walnuts, cashews, pecans, etc. We aren't a very nutty family (I mean, we are ... just not edibley).   

When Cooper went with Gray and Keaton to Seattle, they flew first class and had some nice warm cookies given to them on the plane. We don't know what was in the cookies, but ALLERGY ALERT!  Itchy eyes, puffed up face. I was really surprised the airline didn't have something as simple as Benadryl as a safety precaution. I think an epi-pen is required equipment in the first aid kit for airplanes (and rightfully so!) It didn't get to that extent (where epinephrine was needed), but poor Coop was super miserable. As they got off the plane, he had a little trouble staying upright. He said he almost passed out.

As with the other boys, the nut-allergies don't seem to be life threatening. They don't close off the airway, at least not completely. Given some time (and some Benadryl) the boys get back to normal. Cooper had to sleep off his allergy attack so then he could enjoy the rest of his Seattle vacation.

Kudos to Cooper for taking a picture to memorialize this moment (even if it's not something we really want to remember)... and no more nuts! 

Cooper has had a few skin reactions (Itchy Bumps) over the years. Sometimes having issues with the neighbor's dog, but other times being okay. Very inconsistent. Dang allergies!

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