Friday, July 12, 2024

Symphony #KOTH 2024

Last year, in 2023 there was a "Hiking Challenge" at Symphony Homes. Gray got going, and took pictures and did write-ups. Built in blog posts! I had to divide it into three posts, there was so much content. See the first one (with links to the second and third) HERE. This year, there's another challenge, a little more all-around activity. This will be a post in progress ...

The official flyer with the "rules" ... 

One might have think Grayson's work at Symphony was all management and construction stuff, but he does a LOT of team building, outreach, activity organization and party planning too (organizing this competition, the upcoming diaper house, see last year's involvement HERE, a ping pong tournament, Fisher House).    Of course in addition to setting up the #KOTH2024, Gray then "needs" to set the standard, staying active and competitive. His work write ups with recaps, hashtags and plenty of pictures give a little look at what he's up to ...


I give you the Men in Black – Farmington Half Marathon – May 11- 13.1 miles. Bonus photobomb by the one and only Bill Dodd and his banana peel.  #koth202 #doublepoints #thismedaliswood


On Deuel Creek South, where the day was pristine,
Jon, Zac, Jadon, Wyatt, and Grayson convene.
Legs on fleek, in their hike, they excel,
In Lulu, Fabletics, and brands they wear well.

Salomon gripping each rocky ascent,
On Clouds embracing every step's intent.
Crossing the creek, the rapids roared high,
Determined to conquer, eyes on the prize.

With laughter and cheers, they blaze the trail's way,
Gonna win #koth2024, they say.
Nature their stage, as they rise to the peak,
A band of brothers strong, adventurous and sleek.

You. Are. Welcome.

#koth2024 #doublepoints #bestdressedhikers #chafingisreal

Farmington Creek Hike

In the interest of including as many Symphony teammates as possible and rack up those double points, today, I decided to get JJ out on the trail. He had been feeling very cooped up and cabin fever had set in. Plus, he recently got a new shirt and beanie that he wanted to show off. He was stylin’ indeed. #koth2024  #doublepoints;)  #jjforpresident2024

Trail report from Farmington Creek
  • Trail condition: Perfect
  • Water levels: High but stream crossings are easy
  • Waterfall rating: SPECTACULAR ★★★★★

 Flag Rock and Patsy's Mine Hike

Rockies Half

Let’s go run a half marathon, they said. It will be fun, they said.
#koth2024     #symsquad      #notdoublepoints:(

So as if hiking wasn’t enough, Zac thought, hey, why don’t we just sling a 30 pound backpack over our shoulders, climb a mountain and see what happens…..thanks, Zac! #toruckornottoruck  #rubberlegs
#koth2024 #symsquad #notdoublepoints:(

Hiking, Biking & Making Friends
It says it right in the subject line – Hiking, Biking and Making Friends. Supposedly, hiking and biking would be separate activities. Not so much on Saturday as we got to do both at the same time. There’s no way to convey the reality of our adventure. And snapping pictures of some of the key moments just wasn’t feasible.

Word to the wise - If, per chance, you consider riding or walking or running on the Legacy Trail northward to Jordan River Trail – you should probs figure out a bypass from about 700 North to North Temple. As we pushed through this area I’m not sure we were Making Friends with the locals along the trail. We were just relieved to live to tell the tale.

Lots of stop and go – lots of off-the-bike, back-on-the-bike - lots of wondering about the life choices that brought us to this moment. #teamsaddlesores  #howlongislotoja  #closecall



It’s a tale of two AI’s – ChatGPT and Gemini
Both were given the same prompt: Please write a short limerick about the Sym Squad's Friday morning hike to Ensign Peak, where we rucked, overlook Salt Lake City, had proper symphony homes branding, missed Jon Olson and Brandon Wright, and had a great time.

The Sym Squad on Ensign, quite bold,
Rucked up with their city unrolled.
With shirts proudly bright,
A Symphony sight,
Though Jon and Brandon, the view couldn't hold.

The Sym Squad hiked up Ensign Peak,
With rucks on their backs, so to speak,
Salt Lake spread below,
Symphony's branding did show,
But missed Jon and Brandon all week.

Parade of Homes


101 miles clocked. Much respect for those who have clocked so many more miles than this….I’m saluting you BWright. Between numerous peanut butter sandwiches, Pedialyte, and Zac and Collin dragging me kicking and screaming to the finish line…we made it. Another step in the right direction. Trigger warning for the image below: the reptilian, fossil-like imprint is nothing other than the dried sweat outline down my spinal cord left in my jersey. Personally, I think it’s pretty cool – but opinions will vary. TMI, you say? Probably.


Some take-aways from Davis Creek Trail in Farmington:

  • Don’t bother hiking this trail unless you subscribe to self-punishment
  • No need to hike this trail
  • Skip this trail
  • Choose a different trail – like ANY other trail
  • Do you like nice, flowy trails….then don’t go anywhere near this trail
  • Do you like your knees? Then it’s a pass on this trail
  • Pretty sure if you trace the meaning of “Davis” back far enough, it means “dumb trail” but I’m no professor
  • Who’s idea was this anyway? Way to choose ‘em, Zac!
  • True to form, Farmington does not want doggie poopoo on them trail  #keepourtrailspoopless
  • What did we do to make you mad, Jon? We miss you #whereforeartthoujon

There you have it. Do with it what you will.

Stopping for a little hikey hikey on the way to Seattle ...


Seattle to Portland – here are the takeaways, just 6 of them:

  1. A 200 mile bike ride is ill-advised for a 54 year old man, emphasis on OLD man. This one DID NOT consult his physician before embarking on a regimen leading him to this….
  2. Brandon is a cycling beast. And while he didn’t do this particular ride – he did do it last year – and I have no earthly idea how he does it when his training rides are from Kaysville to Symphony HQ – How, Brandon, HOW?
  3. Have you ever set a goal and been all starry-eyed about accomplishing said goal, only to find out, much too late of course, how misguided your intentions were? Yeah… that resonates with me.
  4. It’s a sublime experience when the mind says to the body “Hey, let’s go just a little further” and the body says to the mind “Why don’t you go ********”. I think you get the picture.
  5. Shout out to Jadon. He spent the entirety of 16 hours in a Sprinter van as our support vehicle. He drove us TO SEATTLE and back home FROM PORTLAND. He deserves his own medal for this one.
  6. At roughly mile 188, I was waiting at the aid station for Zac to roll in for his last refuel before the push to the finish line. I saw him come into the frame, off to my left. He was pedaling strong. I watched for him to turn in to get that last bit of hydration and food. But he didn’t stop. We met eyes for a brief 5 seconds. He tipped his hand to his bike helmet in one last salute, somehow saying – “I can’t stop now, dude. It’s now or never. I’ll see you at the finish line or the funeral home. At this point it doesn’t matter.” And off he went.

The rest is history.
#koth2024  #teamsaddlesores  #whosideawasthis


<Hey ChatGPT: Please write a rap lyric about Zac, Jadon, Collin and Grayson's hike to Multnomah Falls with 11 switchbacks and ice cream cones on July 14>   (Tip: you need to read this one with a beat box playing in the back of your mind)

Yo, check it
Zac, Jadon, Collin, Grayson, crew's insane
Hit the trail to Multnomah, feelin' no pain
Eleven switchbacks, climbin' higher and higher
Sweat drippin', heart pumpin', reachin' our desire
Falls crashin', nature's beauty, can't deny
Picnic spot, chillin', under that sky
July 14th, ice cream cones, sweet reward
Memories made, forever stored, word!
We out.
#koth2024 #symsquad #micdrop


Let’s do a Spartan Race, they said. It will be fun, they said.  It seemed like such good idea at the time. One cracked rib and one strained disc later and at least we got a medal. #pleasedontmakemelaugh

I actually have to say that the Spartan Race was GRAYSON'S idea, not Zach's ...
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