Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 Annual Recap

  • Home Sweet Home: We got a new computer (mac for the family, living room) and then moved things around. New desk with the new computer, moving the old rolltop to yhe small room upstairs . It's now a homework center, and the "Lego/Scrapbook" room downstairs was cleaned up for Grayson to have a little home office.
  • Vehicles: The Avalanche wouldn't pass emissions, and we couldn't get it registered. It was a stressor. We finally got a waiver, which put off any decisions about it for another year anyway. Grayson traded in his flatbed trailer for a covered trailer, much better for hauling derby stuff, especially in bad weather!
  • Sickness & Ouchies: Four in the family got hit hard with the flu. Keaton took a tumble from the truck getting lots of skin scraped up. Landon got his wisdom teeth out. We were so happy that Callahan made it through the basketball season without breaking his foot!
  • Sports Stuff: Colton was still playing soccer. Spring, and then Fall too. He also played Junior Jazz Jan/Feb and signed up for the next season when he could. Coop finished up his JJ season Jan/Feb, but didn't want to play when signups came around again. Cooper got to go to an NBA game, and loves watching all the action (we had to get cable for full access). Keaton played on a few teams (Bantam7th, SpringRec, Fall and playing in the upcoming Winter season. Cal finished up his 9th  grade year, did the AAU Spring Fling, and then made the sophomore team in the fall. He also won the church 3-point contest, had a tournament trip to Idaho and played a lot with friends at Gene Fullmer or local churches.
  • Vacations: Gray had the builder's convention in Vegas to start the year. Gray, Landon and Cal went to New York (Maga, K&J and the girls too). The family (sans Jen) spent time in Seattle with Cousins. Gray, Landon and Keaton hit Lake Powell with work friends. Gray went out to Seattle again, for football and brother time. 
  • Summer Stuff: Several trips to Pineview, and a Blackham Bash in Clay's backyard. All the boys adopted simple slip-on summer shoes. There was bouncing, bowling, bb guns and badminton.
  • Scouts:  Both Colton and Cooper have been involved in boys scouts. Weekly activities, the pinewood derby (iphone car for Coop, basketball hoop for Colton), and day camp during the summer. There aren't many boys Keaton's age, so the summer camp at Bear Lake was combined with another ward/stake from South Jordan. Keaton was apprehensive at the start, but had fun and made some new friends. Gray went on a couple campouts with the boys, including running the rapids (and flipping over in said rapids). 
  • School: Landon passed his AP class (Stats) and graduated! Cal had finished up his 9th grade year at West Hills, and started as a sophomore at Copper Hills. Keaton is now an 8th grader. Coop wrapped up 4th grade, with Mom volunteering in his class each week. We've had some struggles here starting up 5th grade. Colton is a big 3rd grader now.
  • Christmas: We hit Clayton's Leg Lamp Lighting party, and also got a nice limo ride through the lights at Thanksgiving Point. 
It was a big year for Landon, with graduation, working construction summer and Fall,  and then Barnes and Noble come Christmas. Mission prep (the call, wisdom teeth out) and a little baptism practice, baptizing Colton at the start of the year! Callahan got his Learner's Permit and started to practice driving ... and he got a girlfriend. I got quite a few blog posts up about specific events, so you can read more if you want to in the month to month posts, but I think this captures the highlights of 2014. 

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