Thursday, August 31, 2023

August 2023

 This will be backdated to the end of August ... I generally try to stay on top of the monthly recaps, but in actuality, it's October. There were a few things deserving of their own individualized posts that I needed to get done before the monthly recap. 

With August comes the end of summer ... fitting in all the fun we can before school starts up (even though Colton is really the only one in school full time).  There was hiking and biking, Topgolf and Zumba, and pickleball (not pictures of pickle this month though, although the new "picklesmash" game got some photos and video). Coop, Landon and Jen tried out some racquetball as well. A couple trips, some birthdays and a new job. More details below ...
  • Basketball: As always. Cal and crew (including Colton) finished up the men's league with a championship win and t-shirt. Colton had practices with Coach Scott most Mondays/Saturdays and went to ball in Orem a couple times too. 
  • Birthdays: Happy birthday to Cooper (20) and Keaton (23). Group birthday dinner was pushed to September (Landon's B-day coming right up too). We had a couple of cakes, but our go-to favorites (the Sam'sClub chocolate, Reams Cookies&Cream Ice Cream Cake) were no where to be found. Costco's white mousse cake is a newer favorite and filled in for Coop's birthday celebration (and it must be smaller, because it was pretty much eaten in its entirety) and Keaton got homemade lemon jello. The new PickleSmash game was a gift for the boys and it's a lot of fun.
  • Hiking and Biking: Gray joined Scott for a bike ride, and got in a couple rides with Zac from work. More hiking with the Symphony/EMI Hiking Challenge ... too much for one post! You can see the original post from April/May,  June/July Hikes and August/September Hikes. The BIG one for August was a night hike up Timp to see the Sunrise. Landon joined Gray and others from Symphony. Check out the posts for details, songs, poems from Gray and ChatCBT - his clever write ups for work preserved here on the blog. 
  • Hale/Newsies: I've enjoyed Newsies ... both the Disney-fied update and the stage version. It was on my list of shows I'd like to see, so Gray got tickets and we hit a show.
  • In Diapers: Symphony does several community outreach projects. A monthly dinner at Fisher House for Veterans, and here in August, a diaper drive ... a "Parade of Homes" with the homes being built from boxes of donated diapers. Check out more about this DiaperDay, there was a little newstory and you can see a familiar face in the video clip. It was fun for Gray to run into several former co-workers too.
  • Travel: The BIG trip was Grayson going to London/Paris for a week+ ... it started out just him and a Symphony buddy, then another Symphony couple joined them. Gray was good at keeping in touch with pictures, emails and texts, which was a bit of a built in blog post. You can see more about his travels HERE. At the end of the month, Grayson, Keaton and Cooper headed out to SanDiego for a birthday weekend. More on that next month, as it overlapped into September. Landon also had a weekend work trip to Idaho.
  • Lake Day: Gray had hit the lake a few times in July with work friends, but we got a Blackham Family Lake Day in August. Perfect weather, and everyone got wet and a little sunburned.
  • NEW JOB! Coop was finishing up his work at the school for summer, but gave his notice that he wouldn't be continuing once school started up again. He wanted something full-time, and we were hoping a perfect job might happen along ... and it did! You can read more about it HERE.
  • School Starting: Colton is a SENIOR this year!
  • Repairs: It's always something ... the Durango wouldn't start. It was a few days of Jen needing to run Cooper to his shift at the school before Landon replaced the battery, and that did the trick. Back up and running (well ... driving). The recliners we had purchased a few years ago had a recall (something with the lights) so one afternoon a repairman came in to switch some stuff out on those. 
  • Garden: The garden has been growing, lots of pumpkin vines, zuchinni, cucumbers, beans and tomatoes. And marigolds, reseeded themselves like crazy! The hydrangea and hyacinth have been blooming in the front flowerbed. The sprinklers cover the lawn, but the garden needs handwatering, which gets a little tiring - worth it? Received a LOVELY bouquet of home-grown flowers from a friend in the neighborhood. 
  • JenBsBooks: Two bookclub meetings (Mickey7 and The Peach Rebellion) and an extra one for The Unselected Journals of Emma M. Lion ... meeting with one of Mom's friends. 30 books and 8945 pages total, everything reviewed and rated on Goodreads and Storygraph. 
I think that about covers things for August ... love that I can backdate on the blog!

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

New Job for Cooperman

Cooper graduated last year and probably should have moved on from his custodial work at the local elementary school to a job with more working hours ... but until he got his driver's license, things were limited. He got his license October 2022, but the school year had started and it was easy just to fall back into that routine. It was close and easy and flexible and he stuck with it through the summer, and got a few more hours than during the school year. He and I had our eyes open for different work and he'd put in a couple applications, but nothing had panned out yet. As the summer ended the focus on finding new employment was top priority. 

The dream job would be fairly close (while Coop is driving, he's still a bit road-shy ... takes after his mom). A set schedule was desired, and as Cooper was available during the day, he hoped to avoid evenings and weekends (especially Sundays, Monday/Thursday nights, as football season was ready to start up - he's a fantasy football fanatic). He was willing/wanting to work full-time. Coop had just started listening to audiobooks at his current job, and Mom LOVED that, so had fingers crossed that they might be able to find employment that would allow that option. Coop's hair is a little unruly, so if he was able to wear a cap, that would be helpful. Something active ... Cooper likes to get his steps in. Dealing with customers and confrontation wasn't really something he felt he was up to handling ... I know, it's hard when you have such a long wishlist, and I figured we wouldn't be able to get it all.

There's a neighborhood Facebook group that I'm a part of, so I placed a post on it, wondering if someone who knew us, knew Cooper, might be a little more willing to hire or have connections that could help us out. And it happened! A fellow in the neighborhood (who I didn't really know personally) reached out saying they might have a position in their warehouse. Coop and I drove out the day before the interview, a bit further than I'd originally hoped, but we took 9800 (single lane road) down to just before the freeway and found the building, so Coop would know exactly how long the trip would take and where to go for his interview. Coop said the interview itself was pretty casual, he took in a resume even though that hadn't been required. Just chatting with a few people, taking a little tour of the warehouse and discussing duties ... and he was offered the job on the spot, accepted, and started the following Monday.

The warehouse hours are 7:00-4:00, and the employees can have a flexible shift within those hours. In fact, some employees work a little over eight hours (7-4, no clock out for lunch) and then just work a half day Friday. Full-time, 40 hour work week. There are paid holidays, and vacation/sick days included. It's packing products in boxes, for Amazon, Walmart and Costco, not too demanding or stressful (as I've heard the actual Amazon warehouse can be, I hadn't even put that one on the list for Coop to apply to). There seems to be a "family feel" ... lunches brought in on birthdays, first/last days ... Cooper's first day WAS his birthday! They brought in lunch!  Okay ... so the starting pay was a bit lower that we'd hoped (comparatively to what he had been earning, what Colton had been getting at Home Depot when he worked there) but that would go up with a little time and good performance. With every other box checked, $$ was really not as big a deal as everything else this opportunity offered. 

I was a little worried about how Coop would adapt to working full time. He's had SUCH flexibility the last few years with his schooling online. He'd been able to sleep in, or catch a nap as needed. I know it would sure be a transition for ME! He's been doing great though, getting up, packing a lunch, heading out. He doesn't have a lot of experience driving in the dark, but for the first few weeks it would still be light in the mornings for his commute. I'll still stress out on the first snowy day!

Starting on this new adventure also makes us reflect on the job he has finished up. He did a write-up for school, which I turned into a blog post  (you can see it HERE). When Coop turned 18, he had to switch to an "adult" status and got a new ID. I know I took a picture of it (it was a great picture of him), and the key Cooper was entrusted with, but I can't find it. I also remember snagging some screenshots of an assignment for his work study class ... but I can't find where I saved those either. Cooper got a nice letter of recommendation from his supervisor and a resume update (assignments for that class). It was the perfect first job ... now on to bigger and better and full-time employment. 

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Diaper Daze ...


The Blackham Bunch has been done with diapers for quite a while, but Grayson/Symphony Homes discovered a diaper drive by HomeAid and participate, along with several other builders in the area. For the last 4 years, HomeAid Utah has hosted an annual Diaper Drive to support the Utah Diaper Bank. While there are programs to help families in need to cover the cost of food, diapers are NOT covered by government safety net programs and can be a major financial strain for families experiencing homelessness or housing instability.

In past years, one business or group would construct a diaper house, this year, it was a diaper house competition ... a Parade of Homes (built with diaper boxes) if you will. Builders had pallets of diapers for their home's construction. Each house had to be made up of 80% packaged diapers. Each company donated between 100 – 400 boxes of diapers ... approximately $10,000 worth of diapers.

Grayson and Symphony Homes weren't entering a house in the competition this year, but were a sponsor, and the official "counting team" and provided food trucks for the event. It was out in the warm sunshine at the soccer stadium in Sandy. Gray ran into quite a few old co-workers and friends and said it was a fun activity.  You can check out an ABC News Story HERE

Check out a little video recap ... GB is looking good!

... and the counted results are in.

760,957 Diapers

46,912 Wipes

373 oz of Formula

The LARGEST diaper drive in The Utah Diaper Bank’s HISTORY!

Friday, August 25, 2023

Gray Goes To London (and Paris)


A while back Gray and his buddy Cole were talking about a going on a trip to London ... and a plan was hatched, tickets were purchased. While originally a "guys trip" Zach and Brittany (also from Symphony) heard about the trip and joined in for the fun. They left late Monday, August 14 and returned Tuesday, August 22, hitting London and Paris. 

It was a huge plane. Long flight. Gray took an Ambien and slept for 5-6 hours of it.  They arrived in London around 1:30 and the rest of the day was just trying to adjust to the time differences and waiting for Cole to get a tattoos done (the REAL reason for the whole trip ... j/k). A little bit of a progressive dinner (going to different places) in the evening.  About seven hours time difference between London and West Jordan, but Gray was good keeping in touch with texts, emails and photos. Here's some of what he shared along the way ...

Wednesday Aug 16, 2023

Started the day with a walk around the area with Zac. We rolled out around 6:30 and it was almost as buy as midday. It was wild. Walked along the River Thames ... how do you pronounce that? After that - Westminster Abbey - extremely fascinating. It was  a lot like the Vatican in Rome. So incredibly old. The line to get in was a bit long but still worth it. Little lunch afterwards. Then back to the flat to chill for a bit.  After some down time we went to The London Tower and the Tower Bridge. That last go was a bust - things closed. Lots of walking.  Ended the night with a trip to a London casino. Quite happy about that - not due to winnings, of course. But I was able to add 4 poker chips to my collection. I should be able to get a couple more from a different casino tomorrow.  

Here's a picture of where they stayed ... their "flat" ... loved the picture of the Symphony Four on the balcony. Gray had asked a couple if they'd be willing to snap the picture (and they added a selfie of themselves for free!) Fun photo! Sleep is always a challenge, and as Gray said, it was "not great….or maybe more clearly stated, terrible. No AC in the flat here. Constantly humid. I sweat all night long for the most part."

Thursday Aug17, 2023 

Thursday Recap: Got in a morning run.  Very much enjoyed it. Big day. Lots of walking. Main events were Hyde Park (ginormous famous park) and Buckingham Palace (the home of the king). The crowds have been significant which shouldn’t surprise me. Did get to see some ducks, geese and pelicans at the park(s) - mostly from a distance. No close interaction. Thursday’s dinner was at a steak house called the Heliot in the Hippodrome Casino. Had dinner then played blackjack. So much fun. End the night with more than I started (even though it’s insignificant). Plus I got to add several more poker chips to my collection. At the casino there was a Magic Mike Revu right around the time of our dinner.

Friday Morning: This morning it’s raining a bit. I really should get out for another rain run but I’m a bit worn out right now. Today would be the day we do a bus tour - kind of a hop on hop off situation. We’ll see how the motivation is. We head to Paris tomorrow morning via train. That’s where we’ll spend the last couple days of the trip. On Sunday we’ll go to the Louvre museum and on Monday we’ll go to the Eiffel Tower. Just hitting the mid point in the trip. The return on Weds will be interesting - fly out around 10:00 am from Paris and turn to SLC around 1:30 pm. That day will be the potential jet lag day methinks. 

Friday Recap: Slow start to the morning. Breakfast was just outside our flat - eggs bennie for me and just delightful. Then we got on a hop on hop off bus tour which was kinda nice. You plug in earphones they provide and listen to a recorded narrative as you pass areas in the city. We did a bus tour in NYC but the guide was live and very entertaining. During the tour we stopped and got off at St Paul’s Cathedral. Another epic thing to behold. It’s just crazy to contemplate the work that has gone into these structures. In the area we stopped by two different pubs -one of which has been in the same location since 1667 - yes 1667. It has been there prior but the great fire of 1666 burned the city to the ground. Or so I’m learning. Back on the bus and returned to Tower Bridge and we were able to get on the tour - which is more of a walk type thing. Cool. Late launch or early dinner was at another small restaurant - trying to eat a little lighter as we’ve been having lots of fried food (fish and chips are rampant here) Uber ride to Covent Garden - thinking it was a park but nay nay. Big open market, gathering, street performers, food, drink, etc etc.

Speaking of food and drink ... here's some of the snapshots Grayson captured before consuming.

I loved the "Tequila Mockingbird" play on words ... I happened to be giving To Kill A Mockingbird a re-read this month (and ended up going over a graphic novel adaptation, and then the movie). Another book tie-in, in another book a character says "remember there's no such thing as a bad idea" to which the main character thinks "that was patently untrue ... what about prawn-cocktail flavored crisps?"  I probably wouldn't have really even registered the sentence if Grayson hadn't recently sent a picture of said prawn-cocktail flavored Pringles. Yuck! 

Two moments of heightened concern from Gray-
  • As we were coming down the steps in the Tower Bridges (probs 12 flights of stairs some of which circular) Cole said something to me and in order here him I had to turn my right ear toward him. I did so on the circular section and missed my first step. Damn near went hurling down onto steel and concrete stairs and iron railing. Out of some sort of luck Cole grabs my hand just enough that I get stabilized. T’would not have been good.
  • Less dramatic but more panic inducing was as I got out of the Uber and luckily did my self pat down - always checking for phone, wallet, etc. NO WALLET - frantically flipped around to catch the Uber driver who has already noticed my wallet in his car and was getting out to return it. Close call.

Gray and Zac had considered trying to get in a hike for the Symphony Hiking Challenge. That didn't end up fitting into the itinerary, but Grayson got in a few runs while in London. Paris was another matter, very hilly. 

Saturday, August 19 ... Leaving London, Off to Paris
Departure from London was uneventful. Cleaned up the flat, took the subway (the tube) to the train station (Eurostar). Think Mission Impossible or Bullet Train type deal. Very fast and comfortable train ride. I risked some motion sickness at first but got over it pretty quickly. Did not sleep but probably could have. Can’t remember if I mentioned it but Cole has some weird affection for the subway. I do not share that affection. I’d just as soon pay more and get taken right to my destination. He loves being able to navigate the underground. Ubers are available, but the taxis in London are pretty cool actually - and you “hail” them like you might see in the movies. The back of the taxi where you sit has four opposing seats, actually comfortable. E-scooters, e-bikes and regular bikes galore. All over the place.

We had a three hour train ride, give or take. Once we hit Paris, the culture shock is almost immediate. Language is a huge factor in it all and you feel it immediately. I kind of remember that feeling from Italy. It’s just a lot to take in almost instantly. It eases quickly but never completely. 

Took a taxi to our flat. Not easy getting in. The host, who is nice and also extremely responsive, but hadn't given a clear explanation of how to get in. So it took us 30-40 to get it figured out. Two unfortunate factors - our flat is 6 flights up (top floor) and does not have AC. It’s warmer here by about 10 degrees with high humidity too. So while it's the "penthouse" I no longer wondered why the price was so reasonable. It is a cute pad - but just about everything is crammed. It appears to be a functioning residence - clothing, fully stocked kitchen, toys, books upon books, etc. I’m wondering if this family lives elsewhere for periods of the year so they can make it available for rent.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Monster day at the Louvre. There’s really no point of trying to describe it. Even pictures do little to convey the magnitude. Just trying to make the point that words can’t encompass this is equally futile. The things to see there are equally indescribable.

After the Louvre we walked to Notre Dame Cathedral. There was a very destructive fire in 2019 so there is some major construction but still a striking visual from the outside. No tours inside. Dinner on a street side bistro - one of the many here - simply nuts. Getting to the end of the night. Winding down. Humid night but temps are ok at the moment. Last night was THEE best night of sleep I’ve had since I’ve left, bar none. Holy moly. I thought I wouldn’t get any sleep until I got home but last night was a bit of a recharge. 

Monday August 21

Monday mostly in the history book. Another big day. Started with a solo walk to a basilica close by. As usual very impressive - though sensory overload is very much in play now.  Hopped on bus this morning around 10:00. Stopped at the Arc de Triomfe. Another incredible place. Different than the churches, cathedrals, basilicas but similar gothic genre. Great little breakfast this morning. Simple, fresh, delicious. After the Arc, we walked to a casino to try and size it up. Requires your passport to get in. Might try to get back tomorrow to get my collectibles.

Made our way to the Eiffel Tower. Unbelievable from the ground. To compare - it’s almost twice as tall as the Seattle Needle. Interestingly, there seems to be a point where height just doesn’t process by scale - yes it’s higher but how do you compare things so high? Started making our way back - stopped to get a couple of drinks, being parched. Ubered back to the flat. Zac is making us noodles and butter….mmmmm….

Tuesday August 22
Catacombs ...

... and after that, we made it to a casino. So intimidating trying to navigate without having a command of the language and sometimes the rules can vary. This casino was much more sophisticated than any of the ones I’ve been to. Dress code, membership card, slight variation on basic blackjack rules. A very nice director was a lady from the UK, spoke English, and was really accommodating. She helped us understand what we needed to do. After some formalities, including a near rejection from the casino based on dress code, we got seated at a blackjack table and the games began. Very similar to the US for the most part. Zac almost busted, down to only 20 or 30 euros. Then he went on a tear and finally ducked out about 400 euros to the positive. I had been tracking mostly even, no major ups or downs. By the time I was done I was up about 100 euros give or take - not bad. I tip the dealer really well because it makes for a fun and enjoyable game and vibe. So I was up MUCH higher but had tipped at least another 100 euros. But Cole was playing a bonus option on a number of the hands. Long story short, in the last 15 minutes of play he hit a 125 euro bonus on a 5 euro bet and then a 1250 euro bonus on a 5 euro bet. It was SO much fun. He immediately cashed out and we were done. I made sure I had my collector chips before cashing out. ‘Twas a fun side excursion. In the end I got collector’s chips from 3 casinos. Meaningless to anyone but me. But Cole was very happy. Like very happy. We’ll be hearing about it for years to come. Dinner on the street in Montemartre (wherever that is). Last supper, so to speak.

That’s the last day. It’s over. Europe 2023 in the books. For the most part, I’m packed up and ready. We have to hit the road a little early. I’ll be glad to be home.  PS - my good friend Zac call me Carbie on the Eurostar train to Paris after I eat my friends meals and desserts and still have room for more. I am seriously hurt by this new name. Seems to be discriminatory. (Please read the PS message in Borat voice, otherwise, most meaning is lost)

Flight Home. Made fun of Zac because he didn’t upgrade his seat on the plane. 10 hour flight. Apparently the captain on this flight is retiring, this is his last flight.

Gray's buddy Cole plays Pokemon Go, and suggested Gray add the app to his phone and get a little POGO in during the travels. Coop hasn't been playing much, so Grayson logged into Cooper's account and caught a few pokemon, spun a few stops ... but Gray doesn't quite feel the allure of the game. 

Friday, August 18, 2023

Colton ~ Homecoming + (Senior Year Socials)

August of 2023, Colton started his senior year at West Jordan. Part of high school, is the social, school dances and such. First up, Homecoming. Colton originally hadn't planned on hitting homecoming, but then he got nominated for the court (Homecoming King) so ... he went.

As part of the Homecoming festivities, he had to prepare a little presentation at a pep rally, there was voting, and the announcement at the homecoming game. I wasn't able to make it (week of my extended EEG) but Coach Wouden was his escort, and Coach's wife got video to share with me. You can see it HERE

Pictures and the dance ... fun group of guys and gals. 

Homecoming was September 17, 2023.

Colton got asked to two of the girl's choice dances during his senior season.

November 2023 was Sadies /50s theme.
I had to tease Colton a bit for buying a leather jacket to wear once for pictures.
WE paid for it (he used the family credit card).
Even with girls choice grouping, Colton was with a bunch of his buddies.

Then in February 2024, it was Sweethearts.

Colton decided to forgo Prom - He had a track meet all that day anyway!

Monday, August 14, 2023

Pineview 2023


We got ONE family trip to Pineview summer of 2023, but everyone attended, and everyone (including Cooper and Jen) got in the water. The family trip was August 13, and it was a pretty perfect day. It got a little windy in the afternoon (see the picture in the bottom corner of the collage of Keaton and Gray holding the shade structure in place so it didn't blow away). 

With an early start to the day, we didn't hit a backlog entering the reservoir, and with all the rains and snow from the year, the water level was quite high. Lots of helping hands got everything transported from the cars/truck (Gray/Landon/Colton had gone in the truck hauling the waverunners, Keaton drove the Tesla, taking Jen and Cooper, and Cal&Kate drove up separately). We have an inflatable paddleboard (easier for transport and storage) and we rented a second one for the day, as paddleboarding is as popular as Roxy and Susie, the waverunners.

Funny story ... last year we had our one full family trip to Pineview (it never got an individual post) and brought the paddleboard, but forgot the paddle ... you really need a paddle. A couple years ago we'd lost the original paddle and had to buy a replacement one, you just can't use the board much without the paddle. So, Gray rented a paddle (came with a board  *Ãœ*) for the 2022 excursion (there's a shop there for rentals and such). Not long after, playing in the water, Keaton bumped into something buried in the sand and pulled it out. It was a paddle! I looked like the paddle we'd lost (in about the same spot) a couple years ago! So we had two paddles and two boards (Grayson went and bought a pool noodle at the shop, and added it to the "lost&found" paddle which didn't have a floatation device attached ... thus how it had been lost in the first place). This whole thing showed us that having TWO paddleboards still got plenty of use, and that fun events, like paddleboard jousting and racing, could now happen. We have yet to purchase a second one though ...

Landon paddleboarded all the way across the lake and back. Even Coop and I got in the water (often we pass on the sexy swimsuit scene and stick to the sand and shade) and tried our balance. Cooper did fine, but I couldn't get my balance. I know I have in years past - not sure if it has anything to do with the recent health issues, or if it's just weight/getting older, etc. After a few failed attempts at standing I just spent some time floating in a sitting position. There was the usual tossing of a football and frisbee (on sand and on the water).  Skipping rocks, feeding seagulls ... feeding ourselves. The waverunners got used. Kate got thrown. Coop hasn't seen much sun on his skin, but was good with sunscreen ... except for his feet, which got burned. My shoulders got more sun than I'd anticipated, pretty red, but didn't blister or peel. Gray, per usual, doesn't apply any sunscreen.  It was a good day.

Here's a little LIVE ACTION look ...

Grayson had an early August date planned to take Colton and friends to the lake ... unfortunately, the weather didn't cooperate (cold and rainy), and then schedules/school made rescheduling it impossible. 

Gray had made it to the lake a few times in July  ... He and Keaton made a quick trip up after work on July 10, mainly just to put the machines in the water and work out any kinks. They didn't stay out too long, even though it was a perfect night. 

... Grayson then had a few work-buddy&kids lake excursions. With Cole and kids on July 17, with Jon and his boys on July 20, and with Corbin and wife/kids on July 26. It made me remember how our family was introduced to waverunner fun ...

... back in 2000, some friends/neighbors introduced our little family to lake days and waverunners. Ralph and Sherry Burton lived up the road on Mapleleaf and had some waverunners for several years. Some years later (in 2013) we got Roxy and Susie. Not sure that would have happened without this early introduction. 

Little Landon, cute Callahan and Grayson ... with hair!

Over the years, there have been MANY trips to the lake (usually Pineview). Not all managed to make it into individual blog posts (mentioned in monthly recaps, annual reviews). There are many memories and pictures. Here's a peek at some previous Pineview posts ... 

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

TopGolf w/AuntLivi and Cousins


Aunt Olivia takes her "aunt" relationship seriously, and tries to plan fun activities with the nieces and nephews. It's hard to get to them all, but in August, she hosted a TopGolf activity on Tuesday, August 8th (originally planned for the following Tuesday, the 16th, but Courtney's boys started school the next day, so it was shifted up). Originally, Grayson responded to the group text that he wouldn't be able to make it (when it was scheduled for August 15, as he'd be in London). I almost responded to him that while I was sure he'd be welcome, he wasn't technically invited ... we parents were just included on the group text to keep everyone in the loop. 

Four of the five Blackham boys made it out (missing Cal and Kate) and Addie was the sole niece there to give Olivia a little feminine company amongst all the boys. Addie actually IS a golfer, on the team there are Riverton. But TopGolf is great for the casual player too, lots of fun activities. The day after Coop was rolling his shoulder saying that he was a little bit sore, having used some muscles that he doesn't normally work with during his treadmill runs. 

I wondered a little about the cost of such an outing, but one of the boys peeked at the bill and said it was right around $100, which was surprising, as it was in a suite and they had some food too. But I guess there's a great Tuesday deal. But ... Livi also gave some little challenges to the boys such as "I'll give you $5 if you get it into that hole" or other similar challenges, so she left with a lighter wallet while the boys added a little cash to theirs. 

Thanks for the fun night Olivia! And she's always good about grabbing some pictures too!

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