Saturday, May 25, 2024

A Little Look at Lightning


Monday, May 13 was a stormy night! I can recall seeing the flashes and hearing the thunder. But Keaton actually went outside to see nature's fireworks. He caught some cool shots on camera, purplish skies. At times it was as light as day, even though it was fairly late in the evening. He shared his pictures with me, and with today's camera setting, live video to see it in action!

Cooper was already in bed, and quite sheltered in the basement bedroom. He's outgrown his weather phobia, although he probably wouldn't go out and stand in the storm as Keaton did. I remember when storms like this would be SO stressful for a little Blackham boy (and therefore his mommy too). Now, like Keaton, I kind of enjoy the light show. 

*** Updated in August after another lightning show. I sat out in the backyard and watched for about 30 minutes and I don't think it really ever stopped. It was far North, enough so that I never heard any thunder. My pictures aren't nearly as impressive as Keaton's captures, but I tried.

... I don't actually have a lightning tracker app on my phone, but this was shared on social media the next day and I snagged the visual ... that's a lot of dots!

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