Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Monday, September 7, 2015

Looking Back at Life With Landon

I have a folder full of photos that haven't made it onto any post (some even back to 2014). There were a lot of Landon posts at the beginning of the year, and now I'm updating the Elder Blackham blog each week. But I still had a lot of random Landon pictures. Some may have been shared on Facebook or other social media, but didn't have a permanent place on this family blog. It seems that almost all of my pictures of Callahan had enough of a theme that they got their own posts, but I have made a Keaton Compilation and a Catching Up with Cooper post for such miscellaneous photos. It's now Landon's turn (and then a Colton Collection should be coming too!)

Ah Landon ... it's been many months since he left us to serve a mission in Mexico! We miss him and his fun personality he brought to all the family gatherings. He's such a good big brother! I remember shortly before he left, Callahan was struggling with a physics problem from school. Landon had taken physics ... different teacher, different school, but I asked him if he could perhaps see if he could help (heaven knows I couldn't!) It warmed my heart to see the two brothers working together over the homework at the kitchen table. And yes, he helped.

This little photo collage will always make me smile. Landon had gone to Target, wanting to pick up a chaise lounge for a little reading outdoors (at the family expense). He sent me the three pictures at the top originally, ranging in price from over $100 to $25 or so ... then the bottom two pictures, indicating HIS preference (for the more expensive ones of course.) 

This is another favorite memory! The Disney movie "Frozen" had been out for a bit, and one Saturday morning as the little boys were attempting to sleep in, I heard Landon bound for their room, and then say in a high pitched Disney-style voice "the sky is awake, so I'm awake, so it's time to PLAY".  Ah ... we love Landon!

Landon's little cousin's LOVE Landon too!  I have a ton of pictures with Landon and Amare. Landon has always been so good with kids, it's totally impressed me. I even wondered if he might be drawn to something working with children (he was going to try and work at the preschool at Herriman, but it didn't fit into his schedule). Here's a cute little clip of his interaction with Sammy ...
A video posted by JenB (@jenblackham) on

Landon LOVES babies!
This is Landon with little Layla at a Westra family gathering. Sometimes he gets a little TOO enraptured (he went to a friend's house for a party and a gal brought her baby and he held the baby the entire time). I would always tell him there is plenty of time for that in the future! Not quite yet!

Landon has always been pretty comfortable in the kitchen too (maybe he gets this from Daddy). After a trip to Seattle, he fell in love with Aunt Jami's buttermilk syrup. I never got around to making it ... so he did. He's helped me make a multitude of things before ... you'll see him in some of the recipe posts (lasagna and homemade oreos I remember for sure!)

 Another funny "Landon" item was "the hidden head" ... back when he was taking ceramics in school (to fulfill the required art credits) he had made a "head" and brought it home. He would hide it around the house to startle me. And he was successful. The car, a closet ... the shower. Landon made a second head in another ceramics class (colored this time) and again, it would turn up in the most unexpected places! Shortly before he left on his mission, I was going to bed when that's where I found the head. It currently resides in my closet and I see it every day ... but it stays put without Landon around.

 Many years ago, Landon made this necklace. It's just a simple Pinewood Derby wheel on a string, with a little decorative lacing there to keep it in place. He wore this 24/7 for years! Showers, sleeping ... it was always on him. Of course, it's not missionary appropriate, but he wore it right up until he left. It's now hanging in my room where I see it everyday.

 ... I'll end with this picture. I have no explanation.

Look into Landon currently on Letters From Landon 
and check out his "Little Landon" photo album on Facebook for a COMPLETE look back!

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