Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Friday, September 18, 2015

Grayson ... Biker Boy

Gray is a Biker Boy!

 Up top here, I believe he was in Park City. 
He does both road biking and mountain biking.

He also explored Antelope Island  ...
Those don't look like antelope though ...

Gray went riding with my brother Scott a few times too ...

Up to the suspension bridge in Sandy. 
We've hiked here as a family that same year (still 2015)

In May 2015, Gray and Rob went on a Moab biking trip that lasted for several days. Camping out under the stars between the daily rides. He was completely out of contact with me during this time. He'd done this trip (or similar) a couple times before. He and I hadn't communicated enough about what the trip entailed the first time, and I was expecting a daily check in. When a day and then another went by, I was a bit concerned but was able to look up the excursion information on the computer and figure out that they were actually out of touch electronically. I was better prepared for the next trips. Happily, he came home unscathed, and with quite a few photos!

Some shots from 2011 (as I don't think I ever blogged them).

... and from his 2015 trip ...

... and a quick video clip concluding the trip!

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