Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Friday, December 5, 2014

A Fitbit Family

Just in case you didn't know ... I'm a Fitbit gal. I discovered this fancy pedometer a few years ago and I'm quite addicted to my Fitbit feedback. It counts my steps, gives me a visual picture of my activity throughout the day, studies my sleep and tracks flights of stairs. I've also linked my Fitbit to a number of reward programs (Fitstudio, Achievemint, Pact) and my little gadget has literally paid for itself many times over. 

Last summer, I thought it would be interesting to track my boys. Callahan was going to the gym to play basketball everyday, Landon was quite active. They seemed interested too, so Callahan got a Fitbit One, and Landon ended up with a Fitbit Flex.  I'd purchased Gray a Fitbit Zip ... and this past summer I got two more and strapped them on Colton and Cooper. Keaton was the last one to jump on the Fitbit train, but at one point, we ALL had one in our immediate family. My influence poured over into the extended family too, now both my parents have one, as do my four brothers and a few of their wives. My sister just got one for Christmas.

Grayson didn't last long with his ... but he's now back on the fitness train and so I think he is interested in tracking again. Landon ... Landon, Landon, Landon! His original pedometer was actually a Jawbone up, which he lost. Then I got him the Flex. He decided he didn't like it and took over Daddy's Zip (Gray wasn't wearing it) but then promptly lost it (during the trip to New York). I replaced it (that's actually how I got the two Zips for C&C, they were used and not good enough for Landon) with a brand new one which he wore for several months ... and then lost it. I just bought Landon a cheap $10 manual pedometer for Christmas ... no more expensive Fitbits for him. 

Callahan lost his once ... wearing it while working out it got sweaty and slipped from it's little pouch. The Fitbit company replaced it for free! They are a really good company for customer service!

I'd been SO proud of myself for keeping my Fitbit for over three years without losing it, or washing it as so many have done (just follow the Fitbit boards!). This past summer though, my streak came to an end. My little Fitbit was gone! I'd worn it to Colton's soccer game and it had somehow fallen off. I had an app on my iphone, nicknamed the "Fitbit Finder" and using it I was able to retrace my steps and locate it in the grass. Lucky for me!

It's really fun having a Fitbit Family. A very common statement I say to my boys is "go sync yourself!" as I want to have up to date information on the Fitbit site (and for the various reward programs the boys are now signed up for as well). It's a pretty common occurrence to hear the boys or me asking "so, how many steps do you have?" and trying to get in just a little more activity to up that count. 

This "Family Fitbit" stat sheet is a little out of date. KGB (Keaton) is missing from this chart, but he's pretty competitive. Landon has now dropped off entirely (as he no longer has a Fitbit) and Gray is just starting up again. The boys also like competing against Grandpa, who is up there as well. Of course, I am almost always at the top *Ü*  Callahan has managed to pass me up a few times.

Are YOU getting your 10K a day?

I keep a fitness blog, and you can see my many posts about the Fitbit heremy "Wondering About a Fitbit" is my most viewed post on that blog. 

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