Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving & A Throwback

Happy Thanksgiving!

This holiday is one of my favorites. Maybe because we never host it, I get to relax. I meant, we usually contribute ... rolls, desserts, Gray's wonderful mashed potatoes. but still, it's usually a pretty laid back day full of food and family and fun.

This year, we went to Clay and Courtney's home for the holiday. Clay smoked a turkey. There were a ton of desserts left over. What was NOT left over?

Turkey Cookies
These have been a family favorite for years. I never got around to making them, so I wanted to be sure I got to it this year. Landon even made some dough and went to a friend's house to make some there. We got a couple batches in. They are yummy!

Here's Landon and Callahan enjoying their turkey!

And a Thursday Thanksgiving Throwback ...
The same two boys.
They have grown up...

It was a nice Thanksgiving holiday ... next up, Christmas!

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