Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Sunday Selfies

Once when Grayson wasn't at church with us, I snapped this photo and sent it to him ... it's one of his favorite photos of me. Silly boy. 

As I sit at the piano in primary, I have a little time on my hands, and sometimes I take Sunday Selfies. Sunday is often the only day of the week where I actually change out of my workout wear, do my makeup, pull the hair from it's usual pony tail and even put on earrings. Might as well document this rare event! I often grab a shot of my shoes too ...

The one above, I clipped my Omron pedometer to my book rather than wearing it at my waist, where it's a bit bulky with a skirt. 

This last Sunday, as I was taking my Sunday selfie ... I was caught by our chorister! He didn't chastise me for taking a picture in primary ... he wanted in on the action!

Grayson snapped this picture one Sunday ...

I caught this one after the primary program ...
Cooper wasn't too happy that day.

... and if you think it's only ME taking the Silly Sunday Selfies ...

It must be genetic!

1 comment:

  1. Sign of the times...taking a camera into a church building where the photos are basically free. Just promise to use your power for good and not evil, then we'll all be okay.
