Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Sunday, September 6, 2020

August 2020

This month was pretty packed! There was work in the basement ... paint and carpet and rearranging of rooms. There were several trips to the lake. There were PUPPIES! There were birthdays, and the start of school ...

  • Puppies: The neighbor's dog had puppies, and we've enjoyed going over for puppy time several times this month. They are so cute, but we are sticking with just enjoying the dogs next door.
  • Home Improvement: It all started with one wall (water damage) and that lead to new paint and carpet downstairs. While prepping for that, we went through everything (books, boxes, cupboards, closets, etc) and there were several trips to DI (planning ahead and making appointments), give aways to friends, family and neighbors (clothes, books, all my scrapbook supplies). The poor gym was FULL of stuff for several days. Then after the workers were done with paint and carpet, it was time for things to go back in position. Keaton moved downstairs (Callahan's old room). Then there was the replacement of lots of lights (handy to have a couple electricians in the family) and then we went ahead and painted upstairs too.  Whew! The reorganization is ongoing!
  • Lots of Lake: There were three trips to Pineview, going up with Kate's family, Sol's family and extended Blackham family. At the end of the month, Gray and most of the guys (Cal&Kate, and Cooper and I skipped) went to Bear Lake.
  • Landon's Work: He got a "work truck" for driving to/from and on the job, which is a HUGE help for their one-car family.  He had been having Sol drop him off at our house in the morning, then he'd take the Segway to work! With the new neighborhood road, he can get to our house super quick. He also got a "work phone" and now carries two phones around.
  • Eating Out: Gray and I went out to Texas Roadhouse, and then the whole family hit Tepanyaki (birthday dinner). Gray has been liking Uber Eats to get some food while continuing to work at the office (lots of late nights!)
  • Birthdays: Coop had his 17th birthday, and Keaton turned 20! Landon's b-day is coming right up. Grandma and Grandpa came out for birthday wishes, cake and games.
  • School Starts: The Jordan School District pushed the start of school back one week (originally scheduled for Aug18, to Aug25). Fridays would be digital, and in-person or online-learning (or a combo) was offered, although not all classes were offered online. Colton decided on a dual approach, going to school in-person in the morning, then three classes online, lunch at home. The reasoning behind this was more because of basketball than anything else. The high school coach called and mentioned he'd really like Colton to attend the 4th period basketball class at the high school (the last period of A days), so the online option worked out wonderfully to help with that schedule. Cooper is all online again at Mountain Heights. Keaton's old room upstairs has been converted to a "school" room with desks for both Colton and Cooper. They both have Chromebooks checked out from their schools.
  • Basketball: Colton has stayed busy with basketball. His Wolves are still playing and practicing, and his Jags have had some practices and have a tournament coming up (he'll be playing on both the sophomore and freshman team).  I still haven't gone to see him play, as all the recent games have been further than I travel ...
  • All the Other Stuff: I went out to an impromptu Westra gathering (bringing some of my purged products) and picked up the family baby books for blog posts. 15 Westra Way posts for August. Keaton upgraded his phone ... a needed update! The Apple Store has been shut down due to Covid, but he and Gray were able to make the change with AT&T (our phone service provider). He now has an 11. Grayson had a getaway to Moab w/the RZR and work buddies. Our stake officially closed the church building to all but essential meetings ... so my Zumba is on hold again. We haven't been kicked out of one of the other buildings, so we have still been having classes Mon and Wed ... and I've been teaching, as the instructor there broke her toe.  I found Fresca (it's been impossible to find in cans!) Colton and Cooper and I got in a little last-minute summer fun with a trip to the bowling alley, and Aunt Olivia made a housecall for haircuts. Coop has had several hangouts with friends ;) and Gray had a major Meniere's episode (woke him in the middle of the night).   
Here's a peek at the One Second Everyday ...

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