Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Star Students!

 Okay, everyone at the school got to be "Star Student" at some point in scchool, but the kids always thought it was great fun when it was their turn to be in the spotlight. For some of the boys, it was up to me to make the poster myself. I'd pull out the scrapbook supplies and photos, print out items the boys were interested in for illustrations...

...other years, we filled in a pre-made poster.  The same, but different!

It is fun looking back and seeing what the kids wrote, in their own handwriting. I'd saved these posters over the years, usually just hanging them in a corner of the closet. The boys would always laugh as they looked back on them. As we did a basement remodel, I ended up pulling everything down for new paint, so I took pictures and figured I make a post showcase all our stars! And I still stashed the posters away, in case the kids want to look at the originals. As I was checking on some dates, I realized I did a post years ago featuring some of these posters (2nd Grade Spotlight) ... I am now missing Coop's premade one he filled in. Good thing I already had a picture of it!

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