Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Thursday, October 1, 2020

September 2020


September 2020 started off with continued home renovations and room rearranging. There was a birthday and a baptism (Cousin Sammy). NBA playoffs going on, and football started up ... Coop has his fantasy team all picked for another competition with his Uncle Kolby and co. The movie theaters opened up, and the boys went to two movies this month. They also had a backyard movie night with smores and socializing. It was pretty busy. Here are a few more details on the days ...

  • Home Sweet Home: After painting the basement, we decided to do most of the upstairs too. Cleaning off walls and shelves and closets, there were a couple trips to the DI to donate (you just have to make an appointment now). The front room is now Cooper and Colton's school/game room. They each have a desk and two computers (school/games). Bought a new chair for Coop. Jen now gets her little nook all to herself (she was sharing with Colton's desk) and even has a spot for the sewing machine. The recycling, coats, and cleaning supplies all got switched up, and some cute decor was added (covering up some ugly old electrical). The boys went through all the old electronics ... we have quite the Apple graveyard!
  • Gray's Getaways: Grayson has been super busy at work, but tries to stay sane with a weekend getaway or two. He headed out to Moab, taking Keaton along, then hit St. George with his work buddies. Rock climbing with the RZR.
  • Puppies: The puppies made the highlights last month, and were still a big part of our September. The neighbors would bring them out almost every evening, and we'd pop over to say hi quite often. The puppies grew SO fast! Right as September ended, all the puppies (except one that they are keeping) were off to their new homes.
  • School: School has been going good. Coop's year isn't very different than last year, as he was already online. His Lifetime Fitness class had a unit on tennis, and Coop and I hit the courts to play. Colton is adapting fine, going to school in the mornings, then online classes (he does tend to do his schoolwork reclining in bed rather than at the desk), and off to the high school every other day for basketball class. We've been watching the Covid numbers, as Riverton shut down for two days for cleaning, then Copper Hills. As September ended ... West Jordan had too many Covid cases and will close the school and switch to online learning through the end of the term (two weeks, then the scheduled Fall Recess). So Coltons WON'T be going to the high school basketball class, but his middle school is still in person ... for now.
  • Basketball: Colton has been busy with basketball. Playing on two 10th grade teams (his Wolves, and Showtime, which is basically West Jordan) and a 9th grade WJ team. The coaches have been working together and with those scheduling, and there have been no conflicting games! I posted some ColtonClips on FB/Instagram.
  • Cooper:  A bit ago, a couple of Coop's buddies reached out, and he's been going to several social events with them. This month, they had a "Big Brother" competition (little minute-to-win-it games and challenges, eliminations) and some sand volleyball. I sure wish he'd want to get his license so I wouldn't have to drive him (and do late pickups ... yawn!) He also ... got a JOB! A couple friends were working as a "sweeper" at the local elementary school and suggested he apply. It's perfect; super close, just an hour or so in the afternoons, with a couple of buddies. He had the interview, the training and his first couple shifts.
  • 2020 Monthly Plague: There was a HUGE windstorm on Tuesday, September 8th. Hurricane-force winds were predicted, and they came. We weren't hit too bad in West Jordan, but trucks and trees were toppled across Salt Lake and Davis Counties. Power was out for many people ... for up to a week for some! Additionally there have been multiple fires (in Utah and surrounding states) and the skies have been super smoky, which has made for some beautiful but unusual sunsets.
We see the married kidlets fairly often. Landon comes over for lunch most days, and he and Sol come to play games.  Keaton is still working with Cal, although they are rarely on the same jobs. Keaton was even offered a team leader position, but unlike Cal, he's not thinking long term on electrical work. He's a little up in the air, not sure what to do for the future, and Covid sure complicates things (and makes dating/social almost impossible). Gray has been SO busy. Covid has NOT hurt the building business or Symphony's sales. He had two major Menieres attacks this month (one at home, one at work). My life is pretty simple ... just supervising the kids school and running them places. I do little trips all throughout the day (7:15 drop off Colton, 9:00 Zumba, 11:10 pick up Colton, 1:00 run Colton to the high school, 2:30 pick up Colton from the high school, 3:30 run Coop to work, 5:00 pickup Coop from work, run Colton to practice at 7:00, pick him up at 8:30). Of course Covid cancelations will reduce some of those. I have still been teaching Zumba Mon/Wed, and added in Fridays outside, as long as the weather permits. Outdoor Zumba is actually quite nice on a cool morning. 

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