Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Sunday, February 28, 2016

February 2016

February - a short month, but we packed a lot into it.

  • Basketball ... as always. I helped out with a team dinner (meatball subs, which became a favorite in the Blackham household dinner menu) and manned the snack bar. The parent gets in free on snack bar day ... otherwise, you have to pay for a ticket just like everyone else. I love that the boys are supposed to dress up (shirt and tie) on game days. Cal and his friends would have themes (different colors and such, thus the purple shirt). He had a game at my ol' alma mater Cottonwood, and played against some of the boys from his old Utes team. Keaton had several games too, the regular district play and an AAU tournament (Soccer City is SO chaotic!) Took team pictures. Coop finished up his Junior Jazz season, and got to go to a Jazz game with Dad. We went to see the Harlem Globetrotters as a family. Colton finished up his Wolves and Grizzlies seasons.
  • School ... Cooper's class had been putting on "A Midsummers Night's Dream" with his 6th grade class. I don't love Shakespeare, but Coop did great memorizing all his lines, and everyone's lines! I could see him mouthing them and prompting while it went. The boys had to wear "tights" and he and his basketball buddies decided they liked leggings! We ended up getting a bunch, and then the boys can wear shorts, even in winter. Coop also got an award at school. 
  • Keaton ... got a new Apple watch. And a broken arm :(  He was also a little under the weather this month with a fever (pre-broken arm). 
  • Callahan ... had a birthday! 17 years old. His friends came and kidnapped him in the morning. I told him to get off work so we could have a nice birthday dinner and threatened to come to KFC if he didn't. He ended up working the morning but was home in the evening.
  • Grayson ... has started working on his eating and exercise. He started working out and doing some food prep. 
  • Derbies ... just two, and Coop had to help because the other boys were busy.
  • Westra Side ... we had the monthly Westras&Waffles (on Valentine's Day).

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