Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Thursday, March 3, 2016

March Memories 2016

March 2015 miscellaneous memories ... took the kids in for haircuts and Gray said "bye bye" to the beard. Colton had a couple birthday parties, but I wrote one down wrong, so he missed one (it had been on Friday, not Saturday). Instead of the monthly "Westra Waffles" we had "Scones at Scott's". We changed the clocks for Daylight Savings, and there was a big voting day. Some TV trouble ... but it will now turn on. Gray got me some cordless headphones after the cord caught as I listened to audiobooks while working around the house. Lots of derbies, but that wasn't the only racing going on, as Coop (and Keaton, and Gray and Maga) did a 5k!

  • Doctors and Dentists: Keaton was in a cast for most of March. A couple doctor visits, and I went ahead and scheduled him for some visits to the dentist (pulling him from school/gym). Jen had a final doctor visit, and Gray did not go to the doctor, but had a bad Meniere's attack and has been struggling with sciatica. 
  • Basketball: CHHS Varsity played in the state tournament, and Cal sat the bench with the other JV cheering them on. They made it to semi-finals, but lost to Bingham. Colton's Grizzlies were playing in a Junior Jazz tournament and had several games, then won the whole thing! Keaton's crew had a team dinner, presenting awards.  Keaton also went to watch a Jazz game with friends.
  • Derby: Gray hosted his derby workshop, helped Colton finish up his car, did our derby (that was the last one with a Blackham Boy in it!) and had three other derbies this month.
  • School: Elementary was out a few Fridays, and then all the kids were out for Spring Break. Parent/Teacher Conferences for the littles (rave reviews) and Grandparent's Lunch. Sophomore orientation at CHHS ... because whew! Keaton's permit got approved. Gray also took Keaton in to get his learner's permit.
  • Dinner and a Movie: Gray and I had three dinners out, Tepanyaki with the family, Braza Grill with my folks and Scott&Amy, and then Archibalds (just us). At home we watched The Imitation Game, Mission Impossible/Rogue Nation and The Intern. 
  • Easter: Small Westra gathering on Saturday (Grayson jogged halfway there), and a Blackham Bash (literally, with pinata) on Sunday. 

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