Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

January 2006

  • HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL: The end of December had been a hospital stay for the birth of Colton, and then back when he spiked a fever with flu. We were released on New Years Day. Needed to restock groceries and such ... Gray offered to go but my list was so long and I thought getting out might be good. I was in the parking lot at Walmart when I realized I was wearing slippers instead of shoes (#peopleofWalmart).
  • CONSTIPATED COOPER: Poor little guy has had trouble pooping for quite a while now. He will say “Stinky owie, stinky owie” over and over again. While I was in the hospital with Colton I mentioned to Grayson that he could try a suppository, but Grayson stated emphatically that he would not be “doing any inserting in that area.”
  • BABYSITTER BLUES: Cooper has often been stressed about babysitters, but he is really bad now. Whenever anyone comes over (whether they will be tending or not) Cooper will start screaming!
  • BASKETBALL BOYS: The three older boys are all on teams. Games and practices!
  • TOOTH TROUBLE: I had to go in for a root canal ... the pain was enough that I was actually excited to go in. It had been giving me trouble for a while, but I hadn't dared make an appointment while pregnant (not sure when labor might start up). I had taken the medication in the hospital after Colton was born more for my tooth than for post-birth pain. Also got the big boys into the dentist for checkups ... they need to go back for dental work :(
  • DERBY DAYS: Gray bought a pinewood derby track and set it up downstairs in the unfinished area.  A bunch of little friends came over, a basement full of boys trying it out.
  • BABY BLESSING: We went to Addie's baby blessing, held in the clubhouse of their condo. They'd had a scare and had ended up in the hospital with her, glad everything is okay!
Catch the EMAIL UPDATES sent out in January in the WriteOn blog, and there's also Jen'sJournal for more in depth details ...

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