Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

February 2006

February started off with Landon accompanying Grayson on the Hamlet Homes annual trip ... generally for spouses, but not really in the cards with a new baby. They were off to Cancun.

The kids were off-track for the first half of the month. It has its pros and cons ... it's nice having the bigger boys around to watch the babies while I run Keaton to preschool (he's not off-track) but, then the kids are around and needing to be entertained. They are really good boys though. Landon and Callahan had some dental work during this off track time, as did I (finishing up my root canal).  Callahan went to a Jazz game with his Junior Jazz team, which wrapped up their season. The boys had a sleepover at Maga's house (not baby Colton ... not yet).  Tamagotchis have been popular ... but maybe should be called Tama-lost-ees, as Landon kept misplacing his.  LOTS of scout stuff this month, kept Grayson really busy!

We had Valentine's Day, Callahan's birthday (oops, the cake stuck ... oh well, it still tastes good even if it doesn't look good!) and President's Day (that one is not super exciting, but the boys were out of school).

Check out the Email Updates sent to family for recaps, or Jen'sJournal for all the day to day details.

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