Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Thursday, September 1, 2005

Callahan's Thank-You to Clay&Courtney

(Backdated Blogging)

Clayton was cleaning out his emails when he came upon this one I sent him back on September 1, 2005. I wrote "Callahan drew a picture of the carnival last Friday as a thank you to both of you. You can see Courtney holding the fish he won. I have the original for you too when we see you next."  Of course, now we know that digital is the way to go! Whereas the original is likely trashed somewhere, we still have this scanned treasure. 

I have my journal from Jan2006 on ... I'm not positive what happened to the previous years. I know we had a computer crash at one point, and lost a lot of stuff. I wish I had my journal entries, or my gmail (we started gmail in 2009) for records to remember more of what was going on.

I think this was a back-to-school carnival at Columbia. Grayson was out of commission with his ruptured Achilles tendon, and I was pregnant with Colton. But that means Courtney was pregnant with Addie at the time too. I guess maybe it was just too much for me to attempt with little Cooper and Keaton. Landon still would have been at Columbia too ... not sure if he went to the carnival too? He's not in the picture ;) 

I have a LOT of saved stuff I should scan and blog ... I love to see the kids old artwork and writing. 

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