Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Friday, May 22, 2020

Mother's Day and Memories

The second Sunday in May ... Mother's day. 
It was a "memory" filled Mother's Day this year. 
Had the traditional breakfast and the bouquet. 

I never really know what to get my mom for Mother's Day. This year though ... she's been trying to get me involved in a big photo project, organizing and labeling pictures from all throughout the years. I'd just never really gotten on board. A couple of times when there were difficulties figuring out how to keep certain written memories with pictures, my mind would think "this would work well in a blog".  So that's what I did. I made a blog. 

It's a little like scrapbooking. Coming up with a cute title, making themed pages (like "Do You Want To Build a Snowman" showcasing snowmen built over decades, or featuring the autobiography of Grandma with a collage of photos or showcasing the California Vacation of 1980.  I got several topics up, and all the annual Christmas Letters (from 1997 - present).  I knew Mom, Chris and Wendy had been discussing ways to keep track of current correspondence too. The weekly/monthly letters we siblings send out. That didn't quite fit my thought for The Westra Way blog, which I wanted to be more classic stuff. So ... I made a second blog (Write On) for that and grabbed the last month or two of emails to include there.  That was my gift, and a gift that will keep on giving as I keep it up (I know, I'm behind on my own blog, but ...) So I sent my mom the link that morning.

After breakfast, we went out to the cemetery. 
First Mother's Day without mom for Gray. 
It was just three little boys, as the bigs were off doing their own thing.

I was trying to recreate some grass pictures taken in 2011.

We'd had a family Zoom meeting the week before for Pammy's birthday.

We then stopped by to see my folks ... with the whole Covid-19 thing still going on, we just visited out on the porch for a bit. I forgot to grab a photo. We also drove by Pam's old house (where Gray grew up, where we lived in the basement apartment when we were first married, that the kids knew as Maga's first house) and then by my old house on Hermitage. A memory-filled morning.

My brother Chris had asked us all to write up memories of Mom.
I turned it into a blog post too ...

Landon and Sol came over for games and dinner.
Gray made a yummy dinner with tri-tip, mashed potatoes and asparagus ...

When I was growing up, there was a large orchard by the house. We kids would go wander, and asparagus grew wild there. It was tricky to find, amidst the trees and weeds, but I was a really good asparagus finder. I didn't want to eat it though, and my mom couldn't make me ... because then I just "wouldn't find" anymore. It wasn't until this last year that I tried Grayson's sauteed style. One of the very few foods I've learned to like in my old age. 

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