Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Monday, June 1, 2020

May 2020

May - here's the highlights!
  • A Getaway for Gray: Grayson went with a work buddy to St. George at the beginning of the month. Razor riding.
  • Bridals: Cal and Kate went to St. George and got their bridals taken, and they turned out great. Kate had asked me to make some masks (provided me with the sunflower fabric) and I did, and they used them in a few of the photos. 
  • Work: Gray said all this hasn't seemed to impact Symphony's business, and he's stayed super busy. He worked from home a couple of Fridays just to break things up. Landon received a promotion at LKL and is now working more with roofing than other materials. Keaton had been working with Cal at Camsen Electric, but had to take a couple days off because of his chest pain, and then Nike opened back up and scheduled him there. He tried working both jobs, but that is a loooong day. Unfortunately Nike isn't able to offer much flexibility either, and if he has to make a choice, he's decided to stick with the electrical for now (better pay, more/consistent hours, and of course, working with Cal!). He will really miss his Nike discount though ... and he's done a BIT of shopping while he still has it. He's given his two weeks, but has been working Nike, not Camsen here at the end of the month.
  • Car Registered: Having some time during the day, Keaton FINALLY was able to finalize the registration of his car. The purchase was at the end of January! The title seemed to get lost and had to be reissued. Then of course there were the 8-hour waits at the DMV. They have opened up the lobby now, with appointments available, so he was able to get in and out and is finally legal and the whole car ordeal (starting Thanksgiving 2019, when his truck was hit) is over.
  • Home Sweet Home: With Cal and Kate getting married here shortly, they need a place to live. They have been planning and saving and it made sense for them to look at buying rather than renting. They looked at a lot and made an offer and should close just days before the wedding. It's in Kearns, newly remodeled and should be nice for them. At the Blackham house, new shower heads were installed, and Cal broke a big hole in his wall (he just leaned, there is water damage, so it was weak).   Keaton cleaned up the house as he was hosting a party. 
  • Dental & Doctor visits: Cal had a checkup on his foot ... while he feels fine, the xrays just don't show much healing progress. Another month in the boot and then they'll just assume it is scar tissue or something showing up on the x-ray, but that he SHOULD be good. Keaton had a scare during basketball with some chest pain (right side). He was barely able to move. He went to the Urgent Care to get it checked out. EKG and xray ... no broken rib, angina or blot clot. He was given some muscle relaxants and was told to take it easy. It took several days and then he felt almost back to normal. Played basketball again at the end of the month. He had an appointment made months ago at the dentist and went in for that. I'd had some bad tooth pain back in March, right when everything closed down. I probably could have/should have called for an emergency visit - I waited too long and had to have several visits with that troublesome tooth. Colton finally got in for a visit to the orthodontist and Gray had a telemed visit to get his blood pressure medication refilled.
  • Maga Memories: Between Pammy's birthday, Mother's day and Memorial day, there were more than a few memories of Maga. There was a Blackham Zoom call, and each family had their own "Pammy food" (Dr. Pepper, Habit ... I made her cauliflower soup and Wacky cake). We went to the cemetery on Mother's day and drove past the old house. The Blackhams got together for Memorial Day for some family time and food.
  • Haircut: FINALLY ... Coop consented to having his hair cut! I think the last trim had been back in October, and it was long. He said it was actually a little uncomfortable to sleep with it all (although I have more than him and I sleep fine). Salons were just barely starting to open, and I'd gathered a bunch of style options to let him leave a little length on top ... but then he just had Keaton buzz him.  When Landon needed a haircut ... he went to Aunt Olivia. He also shaved his beard (but not his mustache, mommy is not a fan). 
  • Zumba: I'm back to three days a week consistently. One of the other buildings has given us the okay to go back in, so we do that on Mondays. Then I teach Tues/Fri in our church parking lot. Outdoors has been nice when the mornings were cool and there was a breeze. It's getting HOT though ...
  • Been Blogging: Mom/Margie, Chris and Wendy have been working organizing and labeling photos and when memories would come up it was wondered how best to combine the words with the photos. Blogging came to mind for me - and I started a Westra blog for Mom for Mother's Day. Also one to keep track of current sibling updates and have also become reinvested in our own family blog. Attempt to leave a legacy ~ and the timing was good with life a little less busy with all the Covid shutdowns.
  • Car Show: We "went" to a car show, but instead of walking around looking at all the parked cars, we parked along a specified route, and the cars drove past us, parade style (or Covid-19 style). The parade actually started (and ended ) right at the entrance to our neighborhood at the WJ Public Works building. 
  • Games: Landon and Sol have been coming over to play games a lot. We bought a few new ones to try ... Exploding Unicorns, You've Got Crabs and Throw, Throw Burrito.  The kids taped out a square on the driveway for some 4-square one night, and went to the park to throw a football and frisbee. 
  • Back to Basketball: Colton's Wolves team has started up practices and had a game and some scrimmages. They have more coming up. Basketball is back, but everything is rather far (downtownish or up in Lehi) so I haven't been to anything and don't really plan to. Colton just catches a ride with teammates. 
  • School: Wrapping up the year. Colton was done around May 22 ... Cooper's classes were scheduled to the very end. He has one more test to take, then he's done. We'll return his laptop we rented - he wants us to buy him one for next year. Nothing to return for Colton, but he and I stopped by the school so he could run in and grab his stinky gym clothes left in his locker. 

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