Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Back to School Stuff

It's the most wonderful time of the year ... for parents anyway! I do like the return to routine, even if it does mean getting up early, making lunches, shuttling kids to/from school and helping with homework. 

Callahan is a Junior at Copper Hills. He has early morning seminary, which starts at 6:00 in the morning. I must admit, I wasn't up early enough to catch him for an official "first day of school" picture, but grabbed one his girlfriend shared (thanks Amanda!).

Keaton is a 9th grader at West Hills. King of the school this year!  Cooper and Colton are still at Terra Linda Elementary. Cooper is in 6th, with Ms. Fulmer as his teacher. He was a bit bummed that none of his best friends are in his class this year. Colton is in 4th grade with Ms. Matthews. They are out in the portable out back. We'd worried about the portable situation, with Cooper's weather worries, but happily HE has never been in one. Colton says there are advantages ... the a/c works a little better in the single room, and they have a water dispenser for nice cold drinks.

Here are the school pictures taken a month or two in ...

Here are the two elementary boys. I thought they turned out cute.

... and my bigger, no teeth smiling boys.
Not the best, but not going to go to the bother of redoing them.

The little boys had a fundraising carnival at the school. They had fun!

As always, I spend a bit more time with Cooper and class than the other kids (as he usually has anxiety issues and such, but he's really doing well this year!). I am a class mom, helping out planning parties and such. I went to the school to help make t-shirts for their "Olympics" ...
The kids groups (countries) had picked out three shapes to represent them, and then positioned them on colored t-shirts. They then sprayed bleach, and then vinegar to counter-act it. Cooper still wears his shirt even after the Olympics finished up. He competed in the three lap run, and came in second. It was fun to see the kids cheering each other on. Cooper's country/team won the Olympics!

Then they moved onto studying medieval times. 
Cooper had several projects for that. 
Here is a hennen (a woman's hat) and a shield.

We had parent/teacher conference in November and both little boys got rave reviews from their teachers. Excelling academically, and just great kids all around ... not that I need anyone to tell ME that! The older boys did great in school too. Keaton got a 4.0, perfect attendance and all honors, which awarded him the "Triple Crown". Callahan made honor roll as usual too. Great job Blackham boys! Keep up the great work!

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