Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

JenB's Journey 2015

Time for the annual look at one of my other blogs ... JenB'sJourney. I lost weight back in 2006 and was able to keep it off for a while, but it went back up and by the end of 2012, I needed to "start again" as it were. Part of my plan, was to keep a blog. Internet accountability, and my own personal record. I have a "fitness" Facebook (Twitter and Instagram) too, so I don't overwhelm the family accounts. But once a year here, I figure I'd do an annual update looking at the past year's exercise/eating and activity.

Here's my journey in 2015 ...

For a more in depth look at any month, these are all posted with a monthly update (and daily journal) on my JenB's Journey blog, generally the first blog post in the following month.

Here's a quick look at the weight (ahhh, don't look!)

Much more of a range than last year ;(
September/October is usually GOOD for me (with the kids return to school and such)
It was my low last year (JenB'sJourney 2014)

... and here is how 2015 compares to years past.
Not the best year. Here's hoping I can improve in 2016!

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