Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 Recap ...

I did pretty good getting topics posted for 2015 ... not all were on time, there was a lot of backdated blogging going on. Better late than never though, right? Even with a fairly complete blog roll for the year, I really like an annual recap, a "year at a glance" type of post though, so here we go ...

  • Missionary Moments: Landon left ... January was prep, and he left at the end of February. He has his own blog with weekly letters and photos (Letters From Landon) and the boys were quite good at writing weekly as well (with a little "encouragement" from Mom).  Olivia came home from her mission in May. 
  • Family Photos: Before Landon left, we finally got some updated family photos and then Gray had some drawings/cartoon sketches made from them as well. 
  • Home Sweet Home: With Landon gone, we rearranged rooms. Cal and Keaton now have their own rooms, and Cooper and Colton and sharing the room downstairs.  We switched to only cellular and gave up the home phone (801-280-0372). Maga finished up her move from Farmington to Riverton (Maga's Move)  ... just down the street from Clayton's family
  • Cars: Callahan had turned 16 and started driving back in Feb, which worked out well, as Cal could drive the Avalanche Landon left behind. Until the Avalanche wouldn't pass emissions. We ended up trading it in and getting a new Dodge Durango, trying out a lease to see if we like it. We kept the Burb for a bit, that was now "Cal's car" ...
  • Animals: We started 2015 with a kitty ... Introducing Oreo. We enjoyed him so much, we added another (A Tale of Two Kitties). Then Gray bought eggs and an incubator, and there were ducks! (Daddy's Duckies).
  • Family Fun: We did quite a few hikes this year, canal walks and a walk around Silver Lake. There was a Cousins Campout in Maga's backyard, and a trip to Lagoon and Park City and Pineview. The boys went to the Gene Fullmer gym for basketball quite often, and there was some bowling. . Daddy took the boys to a few movies (PitchPerfect2, Pixals and Antman ... maybe more, we have picture proof of those) and we checked out Cabellas. Daddy made a new and improved water balloon filler for water fun
  • Gray's Getaways: Vegas in January, Moab in March.  The BIG trip was Gray's European Vacation. Sanddunes in June (that rhymes!) and a St. George/CedarCity getaway in October. Gray flew to Seattle for the Fall Food Tour 2015.  Finally, a football bowl game in Vegas, and the Hoover Dam.  
  • Biker Boy: Gray did quite a bit of biking this year.
  • Basketball: There is always basketball! A couple of posts here on the family blog wrapping up the Spring season, then Fall Ball, but the Basketball Blog is the best place for all the details. Cooper even surprised me, wanting to join his friends on a Junior Jazz team. I set up separate social media accounts (FB, Instagram, Twitter) so as not to overwhelm the family accounts with all things basketball. Cal's crew went to Orlando in December. We went to a family Jazz game, Scott's crew invited us when they had box seats.
  • Callahan: In addition to staying busy with basketball, 2015 was a big year for him, turning 16, getting his driver's license (and first ticket). Dating ... he had a girlfriend and went to Prom, Homecoming and more. AND he got a job, at KFC (several friends work there as well). 
  • Cooper: Surprised everyone by doing a super slim-down and becoming uber-active, even beating Mom in Fitbit steps!
  • Extended Family: I mentioned Maga's move, Olivia home from her mission. It was Spencer's wedding, and K&J flew in and we went to that together. The Zundel Reunion.  On the Westra side, we had a wedding as well (McKenna) and my Dad had a heart attack, but recovered. 
  • Family Reunion and Family History: Gray planned a big Zundel family reunion that was very well attended. He also got into family history, working on Ancestory.com and going to visit several cemeteries on Memorial Day. He wrote up a few tributes (on FB) that I converted to blog posts here.

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