Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Friday, May 22, 2015

Nature Walks

It was a day in May, when Gray  (did you catch my rhyming there?) suggested we take a walk up around Silver Lake. It was a nice Sunday afternoon adventure. We remembered trips to the lake before, when Landon was just a baby, shortly before Cooper was born ...

We are missing Landon in these family photos (and experiences!)

Closer to home, we've also been taking walks along the canal ...
This dirt road runs along the canal right at the entrance to our neighborhood. It's a popular walking trail, and at this time of year, you can often see mama ducks and their little broods. We were lucky enough to see such a sight ...

On this trip down the canal, we also saw a bush with a billion ladybugs on it!
Okay, maybe not a billion, but a LOT.

Another walk down the canal, and we saw FIVE different mommy ducks and their  babies. It seems like whenever we see the babies they are so small, just a few days old. It is amazing how quickly they can swim and even scramble up the steep bank of the canal.

We've enjoyed getting out and about a bit this month of May ...

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