Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Monday, May 25, 2015

Remembering Gordy, Goose and More (Memorial Day)

We have an annual April visit to the cemetery, remembering Grandpa Gordon. This past April, it was cold and chilly as we went on Saturday. Ana and Pam had gone earlier, on the actual anniversary of his passing. The picture above, is the classic "Gray Selfie" and the one below is with a timer.

When Memorial Day came around, the house was filled with the kids friends, and I felt like I should stay and supervise. Gray met up with Pammy and they visited the graves of the other family members (they'd gone to see Grandma Henry's grave during the Moab trip). 

Up to Alpine for Pam's Dad and Granny Goose.

 They met up with my folks to visit the baby's graves.

My little sister and brother

They didn't grab a picture of Paula's ...

Grandma and Grandpa Blackham

Aunt Nessa 

Cousin Dick

...and of course Granny Goose

Gray thought the Coke bottle was an especially good touch. 

On May 29, Grayson posted a tribute on Facebook.
Many family members shared memories too.
The incomparable Granny Goose

Six years ago today this Goose flew the coup, and there wasn’t much we could do about it.

I remember:

  • A pink Cadillac
  • Black licorice
  • Oceans of Coke
  • Skip-Bo
  • A key ring big enough to fit half way up her forearm (and, of course, the jingle bell)
  • The fabric room downstairs
  • 50 cent pieces every year for my birthday matching the age I turned
  • Some pretty potent snoring when she slept at our house
  • “See you in church”
And an absolutely indomitable spirit.

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