Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

 Ah Mother's Day ... I had actually gotten up, but the boys said "back to bed!"  The whole "breakfast in bed" thing is a bit of a tradition. The picture with the boys looks lacking without Landon! But being Mother's Day, we'd get to talk to him later.

Gray poked his head in ...
 (barely, that's not even a quarter dome!) 
for his traditional selfie-shot. 

 Cooper helped with the bacon!

... and I got a record player! 

I actually really wanted a record player. I had recently obtained a big box of old albums from my childhood and was anxious to relive and re-listen to all the songs. There was music this Mother's Day! There will definitely be another post about these musical memories in the future.

Here's a quick taste ...
... I also played (and sang along) the old classic from SONGS FOR A MORMON CHILD  "When I Grow Up I Want to be a Mother" ... it seemed appropriate for the day! *Ü*  Now I just need to convert some of these to MP3 to make sharing and listening to them easier.

We had the Blackham Clan over for Gray's classic BBQ

... and then of course, there was the Facetime call from Landon

Now that's a Happy Mother's Day.

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