Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Monday, August 31, 2015

Pineview and Park City

In addition to our hikes and and trip to Lagoon
we had a couple other fun family activities - Pineview and Park City. 

We actually only had ONE family trip to Pineview this season. It was in August, right before school started back up. Gray and the boys did go a couple other times, and Gray went a few times with co-workers ... but it wasn't a big waverunner summer. This was partly because of Gray's trip to Europe (which took up a couple prime summer weekends) and the fact that we didn't have Landon around ....

We also had some FAMILY FUN in Park City ...
We went up the last weekend in August. School had started, "summer" was over, but it was the best time to fit it in (giving Callahan enough notice to get work off, and it was a bit of a birthday celebration for Cooper and Keaton). We went up and stayed in a nice condo, with a back door that was right by the pool/hot tub ...

We had some memorable meals (a mouse in the house at one restaurant, overpriced breakfast, and a new family favorite, Windy Ridge! But the real reason for the trip was to hit the activities there in Park City. We got a day pass ($$$) for everyone and hit the Alpine Slide, Alpine Coaster, jumping, climbing, mini golf and a tram to the top of the mountain ... Gray enjoyed his new selfie stick! ;)

here's a video clip of some bouncing boys ...
A video posted by JenB (@jenblackham) on

... and some cute coaster captures!

It was a great getaway. Gray had taken Keaton and Colton up to Park City a little earlier in the summer (July) to a Psicoblock competition. Crazy climbing over a pool of water (for when they fall!) While it was the middle of summer, it was a little cool up the mountains, especially when the sun went down.

Those were our Park City and Pineview adventures for 2015!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Oh What Do You Do In The Summertime?

Backed-up Blog post alert.
Summer 2015!

Keaton was looking for THIS photo ...

I suggested he look on the blog, labels of Summer or WaterFun ... but it wasn't there. He did find my end of year (2015) post and I realized this was one of those topics I'd never gotten around to getting up. Bad mommy! So, better late than never?

Our old "water balloon fillers" had taken a beating over the years and Grayson decided to build a new one. Industrial strength! It wasn't cheap with all the parts, but it should last a while. The kids sure enjoyed it.

The "garbage can" dunk is a remnant activity from my childhood ... 

We also went bowling several times this summer.
Taking advantage of the 'Kids Bowl Free" program.
It's not really free. The kids get two free games a day. You still have to pay for shoes, and of course the kids want food (which I only splurged on once) and to play in the arcade after.

Sometimes I'd just drop the kids off. Occasionally I'd stay and play a game too. 
I have my own bowling shoes! 

I think it was "Ckeetin" who came up with the creative spellings here.
Look at me (Mumm) - Top score. Over 100!
I may have had bumpers on ...

What else did we do in the summertime?

We bought the boys passes to the nearby Rec Center for the summer ... and they used them! Almost every day, I'd drop them off and they would play basketball for a few hours. The pass also included swimming, but they never got around to doing that. Too busy ballin! I don't know that they ever complained of being bored ...

Jacob was a constant companion to the Blackham boys all summer long.

This happened too ...
They were playing baseball.
Five active boys,
and only one broken window in all these years.
Not too bad, right?

Monday, August 24, 2015

Cousins Campout

It was a cousin's campout in Maga's backyard. 
I'm not sure who came up with the idea originally ... Grayson, or Maga, 
but all the littles were on board.

There were three from our bunch, three from Clay and Courtney's crew, and then Adain and Amare. Gray and Maga tented it too. Luckily, Grayson is of the motto "one can never have too many tents" so they were well stocked for sleeping arrangements. 

 Of course a camp out wouldn't be complete without a fire, 
and roasted marshmallows and smores. 

You got a little something on your shirt Cooper ...

Gray brought his projector and they watched a movie there on the back fence. It's a little hard to find something that works for all the ages ... Paddington ended up being the movie choice (my boys were not impressed). 

Unfortunately Callahan had to work late ... he was going to go over after his shift at KFC, but he didn't get home until almost 11:30, and by then all the munchkins at Maga's were already asleep, so he figured if it was just for sleeping, he'd stick to his own bed. That's where I was too ;)

Shall we make this an annual August tradition?

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Let's Lagoon!

I can't remember when we hit Lagoon last ... it's been several years since we went as a family. We remedied that situation this year and went one weekend in August.  We got to the park before it opened, and they let people in, to a point. We lined up closest to the new "Cannibal" ride, and as soon as they actually opened and let people through, that's where Colton, Keaton, Callahan and Amanda (Cal's girlfriend) went. Cooper didn't want to try it, and I wasn't up for waiting in line (still 30+ even getting there right off the bat) ... so Daddy, Cooper and I hit a few rides.

Grayson has been a little woozy on twirly rides for as long as I can remember (his favorite is the Rocket) ... but this time I noticed I wasn't handling them that well either. I guess I'm getting old. We did hook back up with the gang, and went on several rides together too. Amanda talked Callahan into going on a water ride, and they both got soaked!

With Cannibal and Wicked getting media attention .... the lines on the Colossus weren't bad at all. We went on that one a few times, often walking right on. Cooper took some convincing the first time around, but afterward he said it was one of his favorites. We didn't get a ton of pictures, and almost forgot to grab a family photo (we were out in the parking lot) ... here's a few more from the day.

This was actually the second time around for Keaton and Colton. They had gone earlier in the summer with Aunt Olivia and cousin Aiden. Here's a few photos from that trip (thanks Livi!)

Livi and Aiden got season passes and hit the park multiple times this summer. For us though ... I think once (or twice for the couple of kids) was plenty. But I'm glad we got out and made some memories this summer.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Zundel Family Reunion 2015

I think it was at Olivia's homecoming, where many from the Zundel family came in support, but just didn't have time to hang around and talk after the meeting. Grayson thought it was a shame that we only had such fleeting family contact at church activities, weddings and funerals. So, he brainstormed a family reunion. A group was formed on Facebook, a date was thrown out, a location was booked and a very successful gathering took place!

We went to a park in Alpine. It was a nice central location, for those coming from the North, the Salt Lake area, and those further South, in Payson and Salem. The park was close to Granny Goose's old home, and where she was buried, if family wanted to hit any of those spots too. There was a nice pavilion at the park, with softball, volleyball and plenty of places to play.

Gray brought his famous water balloon filler and the launchers, and that is always a hit with the kids. The jump rope was slow to start, but was a fun activity near the end of the evening. Everyone brought their own main entree (you might have thought "fried chicken" was a requirement with all the boxes and bags from KFC, Popeyes and Chick-fil-a ... but then some did bring Cafe Rio and even some stuff to BBQ). Everyone pitched in for sides, there were drinks (including homemade rootbeer) and then for dessert ... Clay's famous donuts!

Jackie brought a bunch of photos and set up a display, and also ordered shirts for everyone. The true task was gathering everyone for a group photo, but as you can see above, that was also a success. In addition to the set family photo, I manned a camera and video during the event, and made a muvee of our family fun ...

Good job Grayson for organizing this big event! Many memories! He does wish he had gotten on "cousins" photo, recreating some from the growing up years. Maybe we'll have to do it again!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Sign and Shoot

August 10, 2015. We were up Lehi way ... Traverse Mountain. We'd stopped in to see my brother Derek. My parents had been pushing all the kids to set up some security documents, trust/will, etc. As Derek had already done it for himself, he offered to help out for those of us who were struggling to get started. He had all the papers drawn up and had a notary come out to the house for the signatures to finalize everything. Shane and Alicia came out to take advantage of the in-house notary. The evening included Papa Murphy pizza ... make life decisions and partay! You can check out the parallel post on the Westra blog for more insight into what went into the signing and stuff. 

While we were already up that way, we decided to check out Cabelas. It was right there. We wandered the store and looked at all the animals. The aquarium was cool, and we got some free samples of fudge. Then there was the little shooting range ... 

This reminded me of the similar set-up at Lagoon. You'd put in quarters or tickets, and then shoot the targets (back in the olden days my brothers would sometimes see if they could use a mirror to redirect sunlight to set off the different bullseyes as they were activated by a flash of light). It was a fun evening out for the family.

Summer (Scouts) Stuff

Thumbs up? Colton doesn't exactly look thrilled with his scouting adventures. We've been a little hit and miss on scouts lately, as I'm often carpooling other kids around. Colton does enjoy going to the Littlewood's house, especially if he gets to play on the basketball hoop in their backyard. During July, the boys attended the day camp for the cubs. I'd drop Colton off at the church in the morning, and they would be back later in the day. The boys were always filthy when they returned from the mountains!

Colton and the Cub Crew
(nice face Colton!)

Keaton's summer adventures were actually with youth conference. They went up to Jensen's cabin and did some hiking, four wheeling, jeeping and just hanging out. Here are a couple more pictures  of Keaton and the crew ...

Gray took a step back from scouting this summer ... he's been very heavily involved in the past several years, but he was using up all his work vacation on his trip to Europe. He still does several dozen derbies every year though! Cooper's group had several activities and camps but ... Cooper is Cooper, and his anxiety issues stand in the way of most scouting activities.