Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Monday, August 10, 2015

Sign and Shoot

August 10, 2015. We were up Lehi way ... Traverse Mountain. We'd stopped in to see my brother Derek. My parents had been pushing all the kids to set up some security documents, trust/will, etc. As Derek had already done it for himself, he offered to help out for those of us who were struggling to get started. He had all the papers drawn up and had a notary come out to the house for the signatures to finalize everything. Shane and Alicia came out to take advantage of the in-house notary. The evening included Papa Murphy pizza ... make life decisions and partay! You can check out the parallel post on the Westra blog for more insight into what went into the signing and stuff. 

While we were already up that way, we decided to check out Cabelas. It was right there. We wandered the store and looked at all the animals. The aquarium was cool, and we got some free samples of fudge. Then there was the little shooting range ... 

This reminded me of the similar set-up at Lagoon. You'd put in quarters or tickets, and then shoot the targets (back in the olden days my brothers would sometimes see if they could use a mirror to redirect sunlight to set off the different bullseyes as they were activated by a flash of light). It was a fun evening out for the family.

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