Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Zundel Family Reunion 2015

I think it was at Olivia's homecoming, where many from the Zundel family came in support, but just didn't have time to hang around and talk after the meeting. Grayson thought it was a shame that we only had such fleeting family contact at church activities, weddings and funerals. So, he brainstormed a family reunion. A group was formed on Facebook, a date was thrown out, a location was booked and a very successful gathering took place!

We went to a park in Alpine. It was a nice central location, for those coming from the North, the Salt Lake area, and those further South, in Payson and Salem. The park was close to Granny Goose's old home, and where she was buried, if family wanted to hit any of those spots too. There was a nice pavilion at the park, with softball, volleyball and plenty of places to play.

Gray brought his famous water balloon filler and the launchers, and that is always a hit with the kids. The jump rope was slow to start, but was a fun activity near the end of the evening. Everyone brought their own main entree (you might have thought "fried chicken" was a requirement with all the boxes and bags from KFC, Popeyes and Chick-fil-a ... but then some did bring Cafe Rio and even some stuff to BBQ). Everyone pitched in for sides, there were drinks (including homemade rootbeer) and then for dessert ... Clay's famous donuts!

Jackie brought a bunch of photos and set up a display, and also ordered shirts for everyone. The true task was gathering everyone for a group photo, but as you can see above, that was also a success. In addition to the set family photo, I manned a camera and video during the event, and made a muvee of our family fun ...

Good job Grayson for organizing this big event! Many memories! He does wish he had gotten on "cousins" photo, recreating some from the growing up years. Maybe we'll have to do it again!

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