Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Monday, February 23, 2015

A Birthday Cake for Cal (x2)

Someone had a birthday! Our man Callahan has now turned SIXTEEN years old! I must admit ... I didn't have anything for his birthday. Bad mommy! Life has just been a little crazy getting Landon off on his mission and doing the great room rearrange. Callahan is such a sweet kid, he just said "that's okay, I get to play basketball". I did end up getting him a few things after the fact (a Nike belt, a lanyard for his keys, some new shirts) but nothing wrapped up for him to open on his birthday.

For birthdays, we usually buy one of three cakes. I haven't been able to find the cookies and cream icecream cake for months ... that was a favorite. The other two options are the triple chocolate fudge, or the white with buttercream icing (buttercream, NOT whipped cream, there is a huge difference) from Sam's Club.

Callahan wouldn't commit to what kind he wanted ... 
So I got both.

We had the Blackham side over on one day, and enjoyed the chocolate cake. We had the Westra side over the next day (we also invited Callahan's girlfriend out, she had been gone on his actual birthday) for the white cake. Grandma Westra and Mommy LOVE the white cake!

As always ... I updated the Little Callahan Facebook album with recent pictures, 
but it's looking back at those baby photos that makes everyone say "ahhhhh" ... *Ü*

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