Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Thursday, February 26, 2015

A License, A Ticket

... another teenage driver in the house. Unlike Landon (and Mommy back in her day), Callahan was very anxious to obtain his driver's license. Grayson took him in just a couple days after his birthday, and the deed was done. 

The timing all worked about almost perfectly. Landon left for his mission on Feb 18. Callahan's birthday was on the 21. Callahan could take over the truck, and our insurance stayed about the same, as we swapped one child off (Landon is just walking all over Mexico these next two years) and added another one on.  

The nicest thing, was that Callahan could now drive to school, saving me a trip in the morning. Unfortunately, the high school is so crowded, that sophomores can't qualify for a parking permit. The streets outside the school are lined with cars ... "Sophomore Way". Callahan parked in a nearby neighborhood. Callahan got a parking ticket for parking in said neighborhood. There are restrictions against parking too close to a driveway or mailbox, and the nearby neighbors are fed up with cars in front of their houses and do call and report them. I guess we are lucky he didn't get towed.

Callahan is pretty happy to be able to have a little more freedom that driving himself allows ... just hopefully no more tickets!

Grayson actually got a new license himself the same day Callahan did. He hated his picture that much! Just a bit later, both my boys had their new, official licenses in hand.

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