Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Airport, and He's Off

The day started about 3:00 in the morning. We loaded everyone up and were off to the airport. In the picture above ... everyone in the car, not sure if everyone is actually awake (just kidding, it was pretty easy to feel awake under the circumstances). This is the last time we'll pack the seats in the car for a couple of years ...

Gray offered to drop us off, but I thought it might be fun for the boys to experience the complete airport experience, with the wait for the shuttle and ride to the terminal. It was a little chilly in the early morning February air ...

 Holding on ...

Maga met us there at the airport. She beat us there ... by quite a bit (generally we tease Pammy for being late). We got in a final family photo! There was another elder leaving at the same time, a companion for Landon as he traveled to the Mexico MTC (or CCM). We were there plenty early for all the check-in and everything, so there was just some chatting and hanging out until the final goodbye hugs.

I think it was all okay until the hug between Landon and Callahan.
Then the tears started to flow ... 

... and then he was off ...

Read all about Elder Blackham's Mexico Mission on his blog. 
Weekly updates. 

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