Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Monday, September 22, 2014

Grandparents and Games

For the past several years, we've had my parents over to our house for games on New Years Eve. The boys really enjoy playing games with Grandma and Grandpa, and I always make a little resolution to invite the folks over more for "Grandparents and Games" nights. We did get them in several times this past year. 

We are a game family. We have an entire closet of games (Got Games?)  My parents introduced us to Rummykub, New Years 2014, and it has continued to be a favorite. But lately? It's Apples to Apples. Cooper wants to play it All. The. Time. We have several different versions, both a kids and a junior version, a Disney version, a "to go" version, plus the original of course. The Junior and Disney are favorites, and a little easier for the younger boys to recognize the words/people on the cards. 

I also introduced the boys to Scattegories ... at first they fought trying a new game, preferring to stick with the favorites. It seemed a little too hard ... but it has become a favorite now too. My mom and dad are more than willing to make the trek out to our house (and I TRY to include dinner with the invitation, although Mom says that isn't necessary).   As I write this post, it's been a bit since our last Grandparents and Games night, I guess I need to get on that!

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