Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas 2014

Merry Christmas From the Blackhams!

A partial picture from the crew. I didn't get family pictures or Christmas cards sent out this year. I feel like we're lucky we even got the tree up and decorated! December is B.U.S.Y.  In addition to other activities (see some of the previous posts) we had our annual Blackham Bash the Sunday before Christmas. Pam hadn't quite moved into her new Riverton home, but that's where we met up. We played the candy bar game and some bingo. 

For Christmas Eve, we always go out to my folks. I thought I had everything planned. I was bringing chicken soup and breadsticks, and also prepped some Brazillian Cheese bread ... something our family has been enjoying lately and great for the gluten-free crew. I thought I had timed everything pretty perfectly and had loaded up the car and had one pan of breadsticks cooking around 4:30, so that we'd be on time at 5:00. Except that it actually started at 4:00. Not sure how I got that wrong! My bad! At Grandma and Grandpa's we ate, watched the annual slideshow, and played the candy bar game (which is a slightly different, more frantic version than the $50 Blackham one). 

Then time to go back home ...
Every year I try to take a "before" picture of the look Santa brings the boys. It's always laid out pretty much the same. There are five couch cushions, one for each of the boys. After they descend on it, it doesn't look quite the same ...

The After

This year I also had all the boys line up in the hallway, youngest to oldest as they approached the presents (not that they hadn't already been in and peeked!) This was a tradition during my younger years ...

This will be Landon's last Christmas with us for a couple of years!

How was your holiday season?

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