Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Saturday, December 27, 2014

It's Ornamental

As Christmas rolls around, we put up the tree, and I pull out the box of ornaments. The ones the kids have made in school and church over the years? They are the favorite!  My favorites, and the kid's favorites too! I really do like the ones with pictures on! It's fun to see the boys look at them and comment on their memories making them, or just from the general age years ago.

As Christmas was complete, and all the decor was being pulled down and put away, I set aside all the handmade ornaments from the kids. I sorted them into sets, per kid, and took pictures.

Keaton wins for the most ornaments over the years.

I've told the boys, that even as they get older, I've decided this is what I want for Christmas each year. Ornaments. Preferably with pictures. I pinned a bunch of ideas!

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