Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Colton - 9

Lost in all the hustle and bustle of the holidays ... Colton has a birthday. Nine years old and never had a "friend" party. If I'd thought ahead and tried to get invitations made before school was out Christmas break, we might have tried to have one after Christmas. But alas ...

I was feeling uber guilty about it, as I do every year. Poor kid, he's such a good sport about it too. He did express and interest in a bowling party, even if it was family, not friends. We quickly threw one together. We did invite Jacob, and Callahan's girlfriend Amanda came too, so it wasn't just family. Maga, Ana and her boys came and it was a lot of fun.

We ordered pizza and punch, and after bowling we let the kids play on some of the arcade games. I think Colton had a good time. He'd asked for "shirts with sarcastic sayings on them" and he got quite a few (he's wearing one in the pictures above). 

We did the usual cake and ice cream too. Many of the boys prefer the chocolate cake from Sam's Club, but Colton said he wanted the white with buttercream frosting. That's MY favorite, Grandma's too. She and Grandpa came out for cake and to wish Colton a happy birthday and play some games.

I LOVE looking back at baby photos ...
Love this little boy.
See all the pictures HERE.

Happy Birthday Colton!

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