Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Done with Diapers!

This post is actually a little late ... but sometimes you just don't dare make a statement like "we are done with diapers" for fear of jinxing yourself, but at this point, I think I can say, we are DONE. It's been over FOURTEEN YEARS of CONTINUAL diapers. I was just never one of those on the ball moms who was able to get one child potty trained before the next baby came along. So from 1995 until 2009 ... constant diaper duty. Now Colton had turned three at the tail end of 2008, and I hadn't even tried to work with him yet. Why? Well his older brother hadn't quite mastered the art of potty training yet. But in the spring of 2009, Cooper FINALLY got it figured out and I could think about working with Colton. We had scheduled a week long family vacation to California in October '09, and I decided to put off any potty training until after that trip. As soon as we were back, I introduced the potty to Colton and it seemed it was actually going to be a snap. But of course, then there was the common backtracking and it did take a little bit of time to work through. At Christmas however, Colton gifted his young cousin with several packages of diapers that he no longer needed. We still use the precautionary pull-ups for nighttime (for both Colton and Cooper), but I'm so happy to proclaim "WE ARE DONE WITH DIAPERS". It's about time!


  1. Yay!!! Wahoo!!! Way to go!!! *horns blaring* Do the 'Diaper Free Dance'!! (I've been doing that dance for 4 months now!) Ahhh . . . life is good. :D

  2. Funny I just posted the almost same post, then read yours!!! YEAH for both of us!!!! :)
