Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Thursday, January 28, 2010

... unsatisfied

Regarding the previous blog post ... the Nook has left Grayson a little (actually a lot) unsatisfied. It started when Landon expressed some interest, but none of the "teen" books are available (they are available for Kindle). Gray also wasn't impressed with the "free" content for download as you visited the store.

Then to top it off ... yesterday, Apple announced the "Ipad" ... now, Gray does NOT care for the name, although I think the parallel to "Ipod" is clever. Hubby thinks it sounds like some sort of feminine product, but despite the name, he is drooling over it. His exact words last night...

"I look upon my Nook with disdain. I'm an unfaithful lover with eyes for another."

But at the $499 price tag and the current financial situation, it just might have to wait ... but don't be surprised if you see a new Nook up on KSL classifieds ...


  1. I laugh at Grayson being addicted to new technology. Robert was looking at the iPad as well, but I just read an article about the 10 things it is missing. Very enlightening and makes it not so glamorous. Good luck. Maybe you'll end up with the Nook after all.

  2. Hey Jenn, it's great to know that other people in the family have a blog. I follow clayton and courtney's also and both your families are as cute as can be. I'm definatley going to start following your families. I can't believe how big your kids are either, it's amazing how time flies when i guess were having fun right? Your family is great. Brooke Blackham Stocking

  3. Hi Jen,
    I linked to you off of another blog and have enjoyed reading a bit about your family. I didn't know you had 5 boys. I have all boys too and love it. You are as beautiful as you always were, and your family is lovely as well.
    E. Stringham N.

  4. I'm sorry he didn't like the Nook. I have an iPod Touch, and have a Kindle app on it (it was free). I love it! I have the Kindle for the ebooks, and a Touch for everything else. Plus, they are cheaper than a Kindle or Nook, at least the 8 GB ones.

    Also, glad to see you and ESN have hooked up! Hi, Eeeeee! A fun little blog reunion! ;D
