Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Little Nookie

If you know Grayson at all, you know he's a gadget guy. He isn't a big reader, definitely not one to take time with novels, but he has had several non-fiction books that have caught his interest of late. Another item to catch his interest ... the new e-readers available today. Not only are they simply "cooler" than a book, but they appeal to his "I want it now" mentality. An immediate download ... no waiting for an order from Amazon, a hold at the library or a trip to the bookstore. He read the reviews of the Kindle and the Nook, and decided on the Nook (Merry Christmas Grayson!). Because of the high demand, they were back-ordered, but his Nook has come and been put to use.

He immediately downloaded "The Purpose of Boys: Helping Our Sons Find Meaning, Significance, and Direction in Their Lives" ... I had checked it out of the library, but he hadn't finished it and it was coming due. He also purchased "The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals" and a couple others by the same author. He'd already read "Omnivore" but thought he'd like a copy to keep. He did actually buy a novel too... "The Blind Side" ... and Landon has started reading it (Landon ... who is not a reader ... who has been supposably reading "The Lighting Thief" for about four months now ... but was captivated by the presentation of this "book").

I haven't played with the Nook yet ... although ironically, it came with a free download of "Pride and Prejudice" which is one of my all time favorite books. I think I'm still a hard copy paper book type of girl, and while there's only one Nook to go around the house right now, I'll probably just stick to actual, physical books, bending over the corners of the pages for my bookmark. I'm currently reading "The Hunger Games" as many have recommended it. It is quite captivating. I'm not sure if my boys would read it (the protagonist is a GIRL) and actually the premise is quite violent. I like to keep on top of what is out there for the kids, to be able to recommend books and discuss them with the boys (and help with book reports!). I read the first Percy Jackson (The Lightning Thief) ... it was ok, but I preferred Harry Potter and Fablehaven. Callahan is currently reading the first "39 Clues" (I haven't read it yet) and I just bought him all the sequels to "Hatchet" which he liked (I thought it was just ok). I find I have to buy books, as my boys aren't able to read them quickly enough (for a three week library loan). I wonder if I'll buy the future books for the Nook? I don't think we'll be sending the Nook with the boys to school though, the way we do with a regular book.

It will be interesting to track the future of e-readers ... as their availability increases and price decreases ...how long before they are the norm in the classroom, replacing huge textbooks? Right now the electronic versions really aren't much less expensive (if at all) than hard copies (especially if you buy used, as I often do). Having an entire library at your fingertips does have its appeal, although I have to say I like looking at my filled bookshelves and remembering all the good reads. I guess we'll have to wait and see.


  1. I prefer Harry Potter over Percy Jackson, too. And traditional books over electronic (so far, anyway).

  2. Yeah, I think I prefer to cuddle up on a couch by the fire with a "real" book -- I get enough time staring at computer screens! You will have to let us know how he enjoys it.

    Let us know if you like "The Hunger Games." Janika and I are interested in reading it.
