Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 Recap

The year has come to an end. We spent New Year's Eve with family playing games ... "Apples to Apples" and "Ticket to Ride". The highlight of 2009 was our trip to California and Disneyland. Other memorable family activities were Lagoon Day, a rainy campout at Pineview, rafting the Provo River, a hike to Cecret Lake and running as a family in a 5K. Lots of Summer Fun

Grayson kept active this year rock climbing, mountain biking, running and playing racquetball ... and working out :) He ran the Moab 1/2 Marathon and rode the Heber Century (100 miles on a bike). Jen started up soccer again (after a 25 year hiatus), played some racquetball and volleyball and gives the treadmill and elliptical machines in the basement a daily workout.

I asked the kids what their main memories were of the year ...

Landon broke his arm at Jumping Jacks and got his first JOB as a ref for Jr. Jazz basketball. Callahan played basketball all year round; his team took 1st place the summer season, and he was recruited for a superleague team... he also got to play one on one with D Will of the Utah Jazz for a few moments during a "meet the player" activity. Keaton won $50 in a school coloring contest and got a fly IN HIS EAR during the above mentioned camping trip. Cooper graduated from preschool, started Kindergarten ... and discovered Pokemon. Both he and Colton finally mastered the ol' potty training this year, and Colton started preschool and primary and entertained everyone by singing "I make the good girls go bad" ... so that's the recap ... the good, the bad and the Blackham.

We've got some home movies up, if you want to see the Blackham Bunch in action! 2009 Part 1, 2009 Part 2, an assembly at Columbia Elementary and Sports (soccer and basketball). 

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