Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Past

Christmas 2006 was the year we got the Wii ... in 2007 the main memory was of the instacare visits (strep throat and Callahan's athlete's foot) ... Christmas 2008 we got the Xbox ...

Christmas 2009 ...
It was a good Christmas. Keaton was the one who wanted to get the decorations up and deliver neighbor gifts. If he hadn't been around asking continually I don't know if any of it would have gotten done :)

As usual, we celebrated Christmas Eve at my parents house ... we did the annual slideshow, the nativity, the candy bar game and exchanged gifts. The boys got the game "Sorry" from their cousins and Nerf guns from grandma and grandpa. Christmas morning at home. Landon got a new Ipod Nano ... Callahan got Landon's old Nano and Keaton got Callahan's old Nano ... something "new" for all ... Callahan got a cell phone, Keaton got a leather jacket. The big gifts to the Blackham Boys as a group was a Nintendo DSI and a combo game table (fuseball, airhockey, pool, etc.) ... lucky Grayson got to spend Christmas Day putting it together. The little boys got Pokemon and Toy Story stuff. We headed out to Maga's for a few more presents and to play games. And there it is, another Christmas in the books ...

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