Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Friday, January 1, 2010

Landon's Life (2010)

 **** 2010 Recap: Well one memory I really will remember for a long time is the New Years dance. During the summer when my friends and I went to Kearns all the time.  Goals for 2011: To workout everyday planned to. To play and train more for basketball.

1231 (Friday) On New Years Eve I decided to go to a stake dance with some friends at school. So I wanted to go shopping for a better shirt and pants, because I didn't want to wear my old, small, boring clothes to the dance. So MaSha took me to Walmart and I got a nice black button-up shirt, with some nice tan pants, and a tie to go with it. Then FaSha dropped me off at the dance, there I caught up with Ty Ty, Ezra, Michelle, Sam, Jessica, Jake, and Ericha. And yes there was slow songs, and I did slow dance with a girl. Then right before the final seconds to midnight some friends and I went to roll in the snow, I didn't. I did not want to ruin my new clothes of course! And the whole dance there were huge bags above our heads filled with balloons, I now figured what they were for. Everyone ripped down the bags and got a balloon and popped it, inside there was a little forture. I cannot remember what mine was. But I did have an absolutely great time there.

1230 (Thursday) Today I just stayed home all day. Nothing was fun about it. And there is really nothing to write about. Now MaSha is making write more because it is boring and short. And she hangs it above my head, I can't do anything or go anywhere till I get it done. Fun....not so.  For Christmas last year Colton got these things called Magformers. We also got some more this year. So we started playing with them again. You can make all sorts of things, my favorite thing to make is the ball. And what do I do with it....I throw it on someones' head. I think it's pretty funny, but the person doesn't. Then MaSha gets really pissed off at me and makes me do this!

1229 (Wednesday) Today I did pretty much nothing. My day was filled with boredom. Then I finally went over to Hayden's house to hang out. We first played some pool, then we watched a movie. Then Ty Ty came over and we started watching another movie. I also kicked Ty Ty's butt at table hockey.

1228 (Tuesday) Today I sat around all day. Like everyday. Until I finally decided to do something. I had gotten a basketball and basketball shoes for Christmas. So I decided to put them to use, that and my membership at Gene Fullmer. Keaton, Callahan, and I went to Gene Fullmer to play basketball. There Keaton and Callahan went swimming too, I decided to stay back and watch the stuff. I saw a few friends while I was there. And I want to go there more often.

1227 (Monday) I went to a Jazz game with friends. We went really early to the game. We were trying to get some autographs, but we really never did. We just ended up walking around until the game started. We went to Fanzz in the Gateway, where I got my new sweet Jazz hat that I wore to the game. Then we went to the game, I actually thought we were going to win, but we lost. After that I was really disappointed.

1226 (Sunday)...Today we went to Anisten's baby blessing. During the meeting litte Josh was making noises, it was pretty funny. We were all trying our hardest not to laugh. Then we went back to Derek's house for a little bit of lunch.

1225 (Christmas Day)...We all got up late, compared to how early we get up in the last years. We all opened up our presents, I got everything I asked for, a Jazz jersey, basketball shoes, and a basketball. Then we went to Maga's house for a while, and opened up more presents there.

1224 (Friday) Christmas Eve...On Christmas Eve we always go to grandma's house. We have a nice dinner. Then we open up everyone's presents. Then we take pictures of all the families together. Then we go home.

1223 (Thursday) Dad's work...Since I didn't have any school, I got to go to work with Dad. I want to work as much as I can. And get some dinero... And the best part was going to Salt City for lunch, yum.

1222 (Wednesday) Last day of school... On the last day of school we had a dance. Usually the dances are pretty fun, but this one was pretty boring. I don't know why. I took a roll of wrapping paper to wrap up my favorite teacher. She wasn't there so I wrapped up a friend instead.

1221 (Tuesday) Neighbor and friend gifts. .... As we all do around this time, we went out giving stuff to friends and neighbors. And with my neighborhood homies I give them something better. I gave them Skookie skillets. Because some times we made Skookies so I thought it would be a pretty good present for them.

1220 (Monday) Colton's Birthday...Colton's berfday....five days before Christmas. He got a little play camera from Maga. He got a bow and arrow and this sword/gun thing. He is obsessed with them both. Going around, all day, everyday, shooting and "killing" people. Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Chris and D&D&A came over for cake in the evening.

1219 (Sunday) Maga's House... We started a new tradition last year of playing the candybar game. I ended up with five dollars and a giant size dark chocolate bar. Last year FaSha won the $50. But this year MaSha did! So that mean it's my turn next year! Cooper cried when someone took his KitKat.

1218 (Saturday) Ref shift...This time reffing, I reffed the first game, I got the coach..nagging, I should call it, like no other. I look very forward to reffing the coach again, hehe. This shift I really got the coaches up in my face. It didn't bother me, I thought it was pretty funny.

1217 (Thursday) Breaking Apples ....At school for lunch I always just get an apple. I usually don't eat it until 7th period, when I'm hungry. A kid saw me with it, he asked what I was going to do with it, I said eat it. Then he said that his brother "rips" apples in half. I thought that was crazy, then I tried it, I ripped it!

1215 (Wednesday) Young Men's Activity...We went to a computer place for scouts (for the computer meritbadge). I needed to go just because FaSha wanted me to (I already had the badge, so I didn't really need to go). The office part of the building was pretty cool, an awesome place for hide-and-go-seek. But a las, we could not. Then he let us get a drink from the fridge, Eli and I got carbonated water...big mistake.

1214 (Tuesday) Delivering permission slips/Kong Cones....FaSha made Kody and I pass out permission slips for a scouts thing. Then we went to Hayden's house to give him his, Makayla was there too. They ended up coming along with us. Then Eli's, which he had also hitched along. Then as a "reward" FaSha took us to Macy's for Kong Kones.

1213 (Monday) Facebook Bye bye....A while back I had a Facebook. I used it to keep in touch with friends. But I didn't end up doing that. So it was pretty much useless to me. That is why I got rid of it.

1210 (Friday) Why I'm having to write in my journal so much? MaSha has been making me write in my, so-called, "journal." Why does someone ever need to write in a stupid journal? For MaSha is means "to be able to look back, see what you did, see what happened." I don't find that very important at all. I have to now write everyday, in my stinkin "journal" because I have one C in school. 

1209 (Thursday) Mineer had finally gotten the engines. My rocket (and egg) have been sitting in the classroom locker for over 2 months. (ROTTEN EGG!) I was very excited to see mine go off. So I got it prepared and ready to launch. It had flown over a part of the school. I went to get it, and I saw the broken nose cone thinking, "rotten egg." But I had actually found the egg just laying in grass, uncracked, undamaged.

1208 (Wednesday) MaSha finally took Callahan and I for haircuts yesterday. I was getting sick of my long hair. We had to wait for a while. I also got some more Axe gel. My hair looks much better now.

1207 (Tuesday)We made gingersnaps on Monday for my seminary class. She made the dough, while Colton and I formed them and put them into the oven. I love gingersnaps. The class did too. It was fun to make them.

1206 (Monday) Yesterday I had church. It was very boring, as usual. We didn't do anything else fun. I play CoD: Black Ops. I texted friends. 

1205 (Sunday) Saturday was a really full day for me. The beginning of the day was "clean-up morning" at the Blackham house. Everyone had to help clean-up the house, I had to clean the floor. Then I had to help FaSha with moving the broken washer. Then I had to go ref! I was excited to ref once again. With the other refs I was with it was their first time. So that made me the most experienced, I had made a lot of calls. One game I reffed actually went into double bonus, which means one team had over 10 fouls. Then after that I went over to Kayla's house with me, Kayla, Paige, Jimbo, Ty Ty, and Webb. We just messed around the whole time.

1204 (Saturday) Yesterday was the Jazz vs. Dallas game. I went over to Ty Ty's house to watch it with friends. Beginning of the game was good, we were ahead. Then freaking Nowitzki kept making points and we couldn't do a thing about it! We ended up going home depressed that we had lost to Dallas at home and they had ended our winning streak.

1129 (Sunday) Well on Saturday was the lengendary rivalry "holy war" between the Utah Utes and BYU. I'm Utes all the way! I was watching the first quater, and I wasn't too happy where this game was going. So I had stopped watching it for a while. I came back to watch the third quater, still wasn't happy, but I wasn't going to give up on them. In the fourth quarter, it started to heat up. Utes had actually scored! Then scored again, and again! Later on, we the Utes were getting really close, we had the ball, ball was in the air, interception! I was freaking out, then the guy had fumbled it, are guy dived and got it! It was pretty sketchy, an interception and a fumble in the same play! But they were reviewing the play, we saw the replay in slow-motion, I thought we were dead. Then they came out saying that the call will remain the same. I have to be honest, that was a bad call. Then towards the end of the game, 17-16, Utes up. BYU had the ball, 27 yards, fourth down, four seconds! You can say that things were tense, I was  ready to blow! They were going for the fieldgoal, bam, Utes' cornerback comes from the left side to block the fieldgoal!!! I was so happy! Utes had just won BYU!

1113 (Saturday) On Friday some friends and I were throwing Jake a surprise party for his 16th birthday. We had to be at his dad's work before 8:30,  I thought we would have to help setup, but when we got there you can hear music and see the flashing lights. We got inside...it was awesome! There was a little basketball thing (which I played on the most), there was DJ HardCorey blasting the music, there was a ping pong table, a lot of food, and a TV to play the PS3 on. Before Jake got there everyone was on the basketball thing, trying to make the best and coolest shots. Then we got the call, Jen said that Jake was on his way over, so all of us hid on the stairs for about two minutes. He could hear him opening the door, then we all yelled, "SURPRISE!" We all ran to him and giving him hugs, wishing him happy birthday. After that we just mainly danced, some others and I were still playing on the basketball "court." I played Chris in a little, but not friendly, game of ping pong...I got whopped (yes Mom, it's a word). That party  was really fun. I had a really great time.

1031 (Sunday) Last Friday was the last day of the quarter. It was also our Halloween school day. I was excited, mainly because we would do nothing the whole day, and toward the end of the day we had our Halloween dance! I went to school with my Protege shoes that were black and orange, I had black basketball shorts, black Underamour, and over that I had an orange Halloween shirt. I stayed in that until fifth period (the class before the dance), then I changed into my actual custume. So I just took off my orange shirt, and then put on the "Chick Magnet." The dance was so much fun, it was probably the best dance I've ever been to. There were great songs, great people, and everything else was great! The only thing I didn't like about the dance was it was so short, probably only lasted about an hour. My costume got a lot of attention, people would just have to stare at me for a second, and go, "Oh! Now I get it!" I was probably one of the best costumes there, and one of the best dancers. I was just so crazy, being a ninth gra-der, I didn't care about anything. And that's another great thing about the dance, it was only ninth graders, no annoying seveies or eighth grades! At through the dance I was with a pretty cute girl, this is a journal entry I really don't mind writing about.

In Utah since a large population is LDS we had to celebrate Halloween on Saturday night instead of Sunday night.Halloween has to be one of my favorite holidays ever, so I was really looking forward to it.For Halloween I was again the "Chick Magnet" costume.I was planning on going with all my friends, I started to get some candy, got like four pieces of candy, then I thought, "I don't need candy!" I was sick of carrying around a bag, going up to a house and saying, "Trick-or-Treat!" So now I'm trying to be more healthy, people think I'm crazy for my age and deciding to do this. But I do want to stay fit all my life, so why not get in the habit of being healthy now? So I got ready around six o-clock, I went over to Hayden's house. He didn't have anything to wear, so he went over to Jake's house to get a costume. I headed over to Mikayla's house,a lot of people were there. Mikayla and all of them were downstairs getting ready, wow, all of them in the bathroom, with make-up, hairspray, I couldn't go in there! It was packed, and suffacating! So I decided not to go in there just yet. It had been a half an hour, all of them still getting ready, so I went to Jake's house to see what they were doing. Hayden had the most bizzare costume, it was so random (like every year), I can't even explain it. Well, we didn't end up going Trick-or-Treating till like seven. We were out late Trick-or-Treating, it was very boring for me not getting any candy. So we went back to Mikayla's house, had a little scary story session, then I had to go home. It was pretty fun.

1024 (Sunday) Last week on Friday in seminary we were told that next week was missionary week. Missionary week is trying to be missionary like as possible. So that means that you’re not aloud to text, call, watch tv, play video games, listen to music, and getting on the computer. But everyday you go without doing anything of these things you get 5 points for each. There are also other things that you need to do during missionary week, you need to be Sunday dressed each day.  I think I can easily do this. Mom is excited because she thinks it will make me more obedient. And by the end of the week the missionaries with the most  points get a party!

1017 (Sunday) For fall recess I did two main things. The first thing was going to the West Jordan game on Wednesday night. It was the West Jordan vs. Herriman game. I was excited, it was me, Kody, Eli, Mikayla, Kenize, Jimmy, and Danika. I actually went to the game because I thought we would most likely win Herriman. Wrong, we lost, I can’t remember the score but towards the end we started to come back. The main thing I did during fall recess was going camping. It was me, Dad, Colton, Callahan, and Keaton. We headed to some sand dunes where some other family was camping. It was a long drive there, the first thing we did once we got there was finding lizards. We found a bit but we let them all go. The next day we went a long ride with the motorcycles, RZR’s, and all the other vehicles. It was very long, total of 6 hours there and back. The next morning when we were all packed up and ready to go, our Uncle Jared offered us to drive the motorcycles. At first I wasn’t up to it, but as soon as I got on that bike, fun!

1010 (Sunday) Last year I took Tech for school, I had a lot of fun and learned a lot in that class. So for this year I decided to take the advanced tech class. The first project we had to do is make a rocket. Not from a kit, but a rocket from scratch. At first I thought it would be easy, but that wasn’t it, we also had to send it up with an egg. The egg had to come back unscrambled. So as always, I keep things to the last second, I used a Pringles can as my base, I took it to school, then everyone copied me. So everything was pretty much complete, I just needed a few major components. So me and Dad went to the store, got a good nose cone, then finished it. Now on either Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday we’ll launch them in class.

1002 (Monday) Yesterday was General Conference. For General Conferences we always go to Maga’s house. Well when we got there Livi was doing Maga’s hair. And when Livi has her hair stuff out she does everyone’s hair. Of course she did mine, but everyone was gone to look at Dad’s houses. All I said is for her to simply make my hair a little darker. She did Callahan’s hair too, we waited for about 20 minutes with the stuff in our hair. Callahan first washed his out, I was looking to see what color it would be. Well guess what, he dried it and it was freaking purple! I rushed to the bath tub to wash out the stuff that was turning my hair purple, yes my hair was too purple. I was so angry at Livi, it was so purple. So we headed downstairs to see what we can do about it. She got this dye that would help turn my hair brown, it helped but very little. Livi was freaking out more than me, she thought that my parents would kill her, but luckily our parents were out of the house. We had about an hour to get our hair as normal as can be. It was looking better, but then upstairs we heard the door and our parents. We ended up staying in the bathroom for about an hour. Well our hair was pretty good. Everyone at school loved my hair, I was glad, only Bro. Cottle made fun of me, as he does always.

1003 (Sunday) I’m going to talk about scouts/YM. Recently we have done some fun act ivies for scouts. We have done Fear Factor, Dutch-oven dinners, paintball, and scout camp. But now it was the not so fun part of scouts, Court of Honor. On Sunday I had to do some stuff with Dad to finish up some merit badges so I can get my Life rank advancement. We got that all done; now it was time for the Board of Review. They just asked a few questions and said now that I’m becoming a Life the only one left is the Eagle. The Eagle is the highest rank advancement in scouts. And they said that at my age I have my Life it would be easy to get my Eagle before I turn 18. I do plan to get my Eagle; since my dad didn’t get his he is really pushing me to get mine. I don’t know where I would be in scouts without my dad; he is the one always behind me pushing me towards the Eagle. Now at the Court of Honor I really regret what I had did. I had showed up late and with no scout shirt, doing that is like stabbing my dad straight in the back. I knew that I would get in big trouble. So now I’m still grounded, and I have to write in my journal so I can play the X-box. Yucky..

0926 (Sunday) Yesterday,  Hayden, Eli, Hayden’s dad, and I went on a hike. First we hang out at Hayden’s house till his dad showed up. We were going to Mt. Timpanogas. We had called to see if they had enough space for us. It said that they were sold out, but we still were able to go. I was excited, the drive was long. Once we started the hike it went up fast, and there was no guide it was just stay on the trail or fall to your doom. Some parts were very scary, once Eli was looking over the edge and I did the “Saved your life!” thing to him, he almost peed his pants. Once we got to the top Hayden’s dad was left in the dust, we waited for him at the top for about half an hour. While waiting, we found a chipmunk, and we corned it, we called him Larry. Larry ran away, it was sad. Once Hayden’s dad got to the top he thought he would be able to rest, not, as soon as he got there it was time to leave into the cave. The cave was awesome, we learned a lot about caves when there. When we got out the other side it was the way back down, the way back down was fast, but rough.  I could feel it in my calves and butt today.

0925 (Saturday) Yesterday I went with Hayden, Kody, and Steph to the Copper Hills vs. Taylorsville. I had never been very interested in high school football games, and this was my first one. Hayden and I went over to Kody’s to get a ride over there. We met Steph there at the game. When we bought our tickets me, Hayden, and Kody paid $4 to get in, Steph paid $5, we don’t know why but I thought that was pretty funny. When we got there we found Jake and his friends, the only reason we went to the game up in Tayorsville is because we actually had a good chance of beating them. My friends only seemed to go to the games just to hangout, but I actually wanted watch it. I liked to watch football, but I got ruled out, in the middle of the second quarter we went to Iceberg across the street. We all got ice cream, minis, but the minis weren’t “mini” at all! The minis were huge, we could of got one mini for the whole group and we would have been fine. By the time we got back to the game the score was 21-23, with us in the lead with about eight minutes left. We were all excited that we might win a game! But around the four minute mark Taylorsiville got up to 22 yards with 4 downs, they went for the fieldgoal, it was good. The score now 24-23, we were all freaking out! With about a minute left, we got up to the 37 yard line, we struggled to push through, but we couldn’t. It was the 4th down, four seconds left, 34 yard line, we went for the kick, failure. We had lost to Taylorsville, the worst team in the state, this did not make me want to go to Copper Hills any more than I already did.

0915 (Wednesday) Today was another fun YW/YM activity, surprising because last week was also fun. The activity was with all the young men and women of the stake. We all needed to make a Dutch Oven dinner or desert. My group was making a Cherry Chocolate Cobbler. When the groups had finished preparing the dinners we had to prepare for war. The leaders came around with nylons and a bag of flour, we were putting flour in the nylons, when you hit somebody with it, it would puff flour. The war never really started, people just starting hitting each other. My friends and I made an alliance, we would stay around the upper corner of the park, most people had avoided us, but then a bunch of leaders were coming for us. We had battled, and we got whipped! It was bad, all of us had flour in our faces, Kody on the other hand had it worse than all of us. He got in trouble with Cody Littlewood, Cody was trying to play nice, but he had to defend himself, Kody got hit so hard! It was so hard that the nylons had completely exploded! Well it turned out that my friends and I didn’t stay for the dinner, Cody felt bad so he took us to Jake’s house where we hang for the rest of the night.

0914 (Tuesday) This week has been like any other week, except I had a two tests today. It sucked but im sure I passed them both with flying colors. They were in math with Mrs. Nelson on math of course, my other was with Mr. Saxton in Geography. Today I hung out with Hayden (is awesome) and Elijah (not as awesome). Hayden tried to rip-stick and he failed epically, then Eli tried and did it his first time. So Hayden gave up trying to do it the real way and decided to sit on it. So for like the next 30 mins. Then i decided to come and right this so we could go to the big hill and ride the rip sticks down it while sitting down. Today has by far been the best day of the week. But its only Tuesday.

0905 (Sunday) Today I’m going to write about going back to school. My friends, who are now in high school got to go to school one day before me, they had said that it was so much fun. That had got me excited to go back to school. Tyler’s mom was giving us a ride to school now, we were in the car, couldn’t wait to get there. We got there, 9th grade here we come. Stepped inside, saw faces I haven’t seen for a while, it was exciting. All my teachers were pretty cool, but some I had last year and weren’t happy to see me in their class. I couldn’t wait till lunch, to see who I would be with and because I was starving. Well, school had got boring really fast, I thought it would be a party, no way!

8024 (Tuesday) For our last days of summer, we decided to make them awesome! The second to last day of summer we decided to go to Cowabunga Bay. Cowabunga Bay is a water park with a lot of slides everywhere. The only thing I didn’t like about it was the price. The price there was $23.50 for the whole day. That’s way more than Kerns. They also had dump buckets, which were smaller than the ones at Kerns. The lazy river was the funniest part about Cowabunga Bay. My friends and I would tip people on their tubes. It was so much fun!

0822 (Sunday) Thursday-Saturday is when we went on my scout camp to Pineview. We had to go in the early morning. We listened to Jim Gaffigan on the way there, funny guy. When we got there it was raining, we stayed in Hayden’s camper till it stopped raining. When it stopped raining we went tubing.  The next day Tyler and I went first on the tube. Alan had been stirring the water for about five minutes, huge waves. He made the soup, time to go through it, we flew! To me it didn’t seem that high, but they came and got us, all of them, “WOW! HOLY CRAP, US GUYS FLEW!” the last night was fun. We played basketball till dark, then we played volleyball with some girls, they kicked our butts. Then we laid in the grass and sang songs. Best scout camp ever!

0817 (Tuesday) Yesterday we had a Bishopric Party at the Burton’s. it was fun. Me and jake played around a lot. We buried colton in tire stuff. Today Kody’s mom took us all to Five Guys. Yummy! Then we played around in the mall for a while.

0815 (Sunday) My good friend Jake Adams got home from his summer in Monticello. So my friends and I planned to have a party when he got home. We made a cake for Jake at Kody’s house. The cake mix was two years old… that’s why we didn’t eat it, but it did look good. Jake got home, we went over there. So we gave him the cake, and told him to smell it. He held it up against his face, then we smushed it in his face. We made a mess, and we had to clean it up. Then we played games and watched movies the rest of the time.

0814 (Saturday) Busy week ... Monday was haircut, NickleMania and a photoshoot at Wheeler Farm (with dinner at Red Robin after). Spending a LOT of time at Hayden's house! Working out in the morning ... sore. On Wednesday, Hayden, Eli, and I went to Kerns for most of the day. I went over to Elis house to play a scary game, Singularity. It was scary. We waited for Hayden, but he didn’t come. It turned out he was asleep. We woke him up and picked him up and went to kerns. It wasn’t as busy as the first time we went, we liked that. So we found a spot and swam, it was very fun. Then we met up with some girls that went to our school. We hanged with them the rest of the time we were there. The thing we did most when we were there was jumping off the platforms. When we went home we needed to get ready for paintball. It was my first time paintballing and I was very excited. During the time I got shot once in the head, it hurt. And I got Haydens brother Eric out twice and his dad out once.

0808 (Sunday) On Saturday, my friends and I went to KOF...blah blah, Water Park. We were planning to go when it opened, but as usual something interfered. We had a youth service project at the Care Center. It was pretty boring, did nothing. So we ended up going later. We left early, my dad took us home, for us to get ready. Once everyone was ready, Dad took us to In N Out, I ate too much. Once we got there something was going on, like a barbecue contest. It was a little bit more packed than usual. We heard the bell, I ran, hurried, threw my stuff down and went to the bucket. Made just in time, but they didn't. We had a lot of fun there, but the best part was the cars! When there, there was a festival going on with a car show. So much Corvettes, and other awesome cars. Best part of the cars was the Batmobile, so cool! One of the only three Batmobiles was here, it had real built in guns. So, that was my day.

07012010 (Thursday) Subzero

July 2 2010 (Friday) Today was the funnest day of summer, so far. Why it was so fun, because I spent the day with my friends at Lagoon! Mom over packed me, she gave me a heavy bag to carry around with a lot of food and drinks (she didn't want me to buy the food at Lagoon). I just wanted to leave it in the car on "accident" so I wouldn't have to carry it around. But, I had to take it. I waited for Eli to come pick me up. And waited, and waited. It took forever for them to pick me up. Then they finally came, the first thing they said was, "Look Landon brought his pantry." Eli's Mom dropped us off at a TRACKS station. We saw the train, we hurried, we bought our tickets, and missed the train. So we waited for the next one, it was my first time riding TRACKS in a while. We rode it for a while, til we got to the FrontRunner station. It was my first time riding the Frontrunner. We rode it till the Lagoon Station, then we waited for the shuttle to Lagoon. The shuttle was very slow. We finally got to Lagoon! The experience I remember the most was our second ride, Rattlesnake Rapids. It was fun, until the end. See, when someone is in a wheelchair, Lagoon staff take them to a raft that is out of the way, so they can take their time getting into and out of the raft. The gate that closes off the special raft was stuck, and we were stuck too. Not just us, everyone on the ride. They tried to fix it, but no good. I don't know why they kept us there for a whole hour! Laying in the sun, getting baked and thirsty. They brought us out some water. Then they finally "evacuated" us off the ride. It felt so good to stretch and move around. So, getting stuck and baked in the sun for a hour we got, a card so we can get a free drink or ice cream. So, my day at Lagoon was fun.  

07032010 (Saturday) Rodeo/fireworks

07042010 (Sunday) Went to Magas

07052010 (Monday) Went to ToyStory 3, In-and-Out Burger, Hanging out with Friends, Fireworks

07062010 (Tuesday) Swimming at Grandma's pool & Lavalee's pool

07072010 (Wednesday) Scouts, worked on bikes

07082010 (Thursday) Cleaned the bathroom! Babysit brothers two times.

07092010 (Friday) To Maverick with friends.

07252010 (Sundy) A few days ago my family got back from seeing our cousins in Washington. This trip was propably the only one for the summer. Mom and Cooper stayed home from the trip. We had to ride by car. The car trip was long and boring, we went off. We drove and drove, then finally we stopped in Ontario, which was considered half way. We stayed the night. Then left again in the morning. That day was Sunday, so the roads werent busy. We reached Sammamish, where our cousins lived. We stayed the night there. Left early, so we could reach the ferry that was going to take us to the island. The ferry ride was short. We got to our campsite and set up camp. We just rested the first day. The next morning we had breakfast burritos, lunch was whatever we had to eat, dinner was Baked ZD, it was the best. Day three we went swimming a lot, we found a tree over hanging the lake, we jumped off it. We broke down camp. We headed for Kolby’s house. It was a much longer drive during Rush Hour. Stayed the night, left in the moring. We drove all the way home, it was very long. Got home and fell asleep.   

0801 (Sunday) On Saturday morning my mom woke everyone up so we can go see Colton’s soccer game. Colton couldn’t wait, he missed his first game when we were at Seattle. At first my mom wasn’t sure of where the game was, cause no one was there, but we were early. Then everyone started to come. Uncle Clay was Colton’s coach and playing with Addie. There’s nothing funnier than seeing four year-olds playing soccer. But I was impressed how good Colton did in his game. He was the first one to score, and scored at least four goals. During the game I was looking around and I something in the grass, it was a praying mantis. I picked it up and kept it, some of the kids were distracted and wanted to see it. At the end of the game Colton had lost his CTR ring in the grass. He was so sad, when looking for it, someone else found a praying mantis.  

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