Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Monday, December 21, 2015

Weekend in Vegas and the Hoover Dam

In all the hustle and bustle of Christmas, Gray got the idea to take the boys to Vegas to watch a bowl game ... University of Utah vs BYU.  Cal was gone to Orlando with the basketball team, and Keaton didn't want to miss his Saturday game, so he sat it out, but Maga, Olivia and Ana and her boys decided to join (for the getaway anyway, not the game).

... it was Friday, December 18, and they were off.  Aiden in the car with Gray, you can see Maga/Ana in the car behind. Gray took the Durango, it's first big trip, but not quite big enough to hold everyone. 

I wasn't there to provide memories, but here's a little look at what Colton and Cooper wrote (in Letters to Landon) about it ...

From Colton: Vegas was awesome. I did learn that Aidan is kind of obsessed with me. He came on both five hour rides with us because I was in the car. We went walking down on the strip and he was always behind me. Whenever he would get in front of me, he would fall back to get behind me. Plus, there were so many escalators around! I love escalators! Also, the place we stayed at, awesome! It had its own pool and hot tub. The hot tub got up to 100 degrees, although, the pool always stayed under around 30. So it was freezing. Sometimes we would do a challenge and jump in! The house was so much nicer than the one in Saint George! ( I'm not saying that the other was bad, I'm saying that this one was way, way, way good.) And for the ride we bought, Pixels and Ant-Man. For the ride back, we rented, Age of Ultron, Shaun the Sheep movie, and Pitch Perfect 2. This was an awesome trip! And it's my birthday today. It almost already over because I had to sit in a car for six hours.
From Cooper: Colton, Dad, and I went to Las Vegas to see the BYU vs Utes game, and last week of school for Christmas Break. Las Vegas was really fun, and we got to stay in a house with a hot tub and a pool. But no one went swimming in the pool because of its temperature, it was freezing, and it was kind of like a challenge to go into the pool. The football game was really fun, the Utes scored 35-0 in the first quarter, and three of them were pick-6's. We left at the first of the fourth quarter, and dad was getting updates about the game and BYU was coming back, but they still fell short. And the Strip is crazy at night. There was so many people, but seeing all of the cool things there made up for that, like the Bellagio Fountains.

Here's some pictures ...

I recall Gray saying the ticket was wasted on Colton ...
He was playing video games for most of the game!

Hit the Hoover Dam on the way home ...

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